Circular Motion
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Motion in Space
Torques & Simple Machines
Rotation and Inertia

The acceleration directed toward the center of a circular path is called...

What is centripetal acceleration


The force of attraction between massive bodies that is due to gravitation.

What is gravitational force?


State this law. An imaginary line drawn from the sun to any planet sweeps out equal area in equal time intervals

What is Kepler's second Law of Planetary Motion


What is a force that causes an object to rotate about a given point?

What is a torque


This is the point in a body that moves as if the entire mass were concentrated there and as if all of the forces were applied there

What is center of mass


This is the line at which a rotation that revolves about a single axis occurs

What is the axis of rotation


Gravitational force depends on these two factors.

What are mass and distance?


If force is inversely proportional to distance squared, as stated in the law of universal gravitation, the resulting orbit must be this

What is an ellipse


This is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to a line drawn along the distance of the force

What is a lever arm


This is the position at which the gravitational force acts on the external objects as if they were a point of mass

What is center of gravity


an apparent force that acts outward on a body moving around a center, arising from the body's inertia, is known as...

What is centrifugal force


This region of space is so massive that nothing, not even light, can escape the pull of its gravity

What is a black hole


Pluto, and its moon, which is named this, both orbit a point that lies between the bodies

What is Charon



The symbol for torque (T), the T is the Greek letter named this

What is Tau


The tendency of a body that is rotating about a fixed axis to resist a change in this rotating motion is called...

What is moment of Inertia


In a circular motion, an acceleration due to a change in speed is called this

What it tangential speed


This depends only on Earth's mass and radius

What is free-fall acceleration


The assumption of a circular orbit provides a close approximation for real orbits in our solar system because all the planets except this one have orbits that are nearly circular

What is Mercury


There are six simple machines: Name three of them

What is lever, pulley, inclined plane, wheel and axle, wedge, or screw


If the net torque on an object is zero, the object is said to be in this

What is translational equilibrium 



The net force that is directed toward the center of an object's circular path is called...

What is centripetal force


This law shows that the value of gravity depends on mass and distance

What is Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation


In 1543, this Polish astronomer published, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, in which he proposed that Earth and the other planets orbit the sun in perfect circles

Who is Nicolaus Copernicus


(MA=output force/input force=F out/F in) is the formula for this

What is mechanical advantage


The units of moments of Inertia are written in this form

What is (Kg)(m^2)