Modeling Comprehension Strategies
Instructional Strategies
Reading Guides

Teachers make their thinking explicit by verbalizing their thoughts while reading orally.

What is Using Think-Alouds?


What do you Know? What do you Want to know? What did you Learn?

What is KWL?


Readers construct meaning at various levels of thinking and conceptual difficulty.

What is comprehension levels?


Students learn how to apply the strategy learned during a think-aloud so that they can understand the author’s message.

What is Using Reciprocal Teaching?


Encourage students to engage in thoughtful discussions by creating a framework for exploring texts, considering different perspectives, and drawing conclusions.

What is discussion webs?


Provides the framework in which students can interact with difficult texts at different levels of comprehension.

What is Three-Level Comprehension Guides?


The relationships that exist among the type of question asked, the text, and the reader’s prior knowledge.

What is Using Question–Answer Relationships (QARs)?


It requires students to gather and organize information around key ideas, emphasizing accuracy as they reconstruct the author's message.

What is guided reading procedure?


Getting information explicitly from the text. 

What is Reading the lines (literal)?


This encourages students to engage with a text by posing questions to the author while reading.

What is Questioning the Author (QtA)?


Aims to develop readers' ability to generate personal values or views of the world by engaging in reflective discussions and considering different perspectives.

What is intra-act?


Putting together information, perceiving relationships, andmaking inferences

What is reading between the lines(interpretive)?


Fosters critical awareness and thinking by engaging learners in a process that involves prediction, verification, interpretation, and judgment.

 What is directed reading–thinking activity?


Using information to express opinions and form new ideas.

What is reading beyond the lines(applied)?