On fait du jogging avec tes _____
What is jambes/pieds?
All reflexive verbs use this as the helping verb.
What is être?
"J'ai mal au coeur" is an expression that means that this body part hurts
What is your stomach?
What is ecoute?
Pour la voiture, comment dit-on Le Capot?
What is "The hood"?
Tu manges avec tes _____.
What is dents?
To make a reflexive verb agree in the past with a female subject you add....
an "e"?
Quand tu es malade il faut prendre des.....
What is medicaments?
Tell someone to "go to bed early" using se coucher. Use the Tu form
What couche-toi tot?
Comment dit-on "un ecran"?
What is "a screen"?
Tu regardes avec tes ________.
What is yeux?
Conjuguate in the past tense: Elles ____ (se doucher).
What is Elles se sont douchées?
To say I have a sore throat you say..
What is "J'ai mal a la gorge"?
What "allons au cinema"?
If you are "accro" to something, what are you?
What is "addicted"?
Vous ecoutez le prof avec les _______.
Les oreilles
Conjuguate: Elle _____ (ne pas se casser) la jambe.
What is Elle ne se casse pas la jambe?
When you have "la grippe", it means you have this.
What is "the flu"?
Your little brother or sister is loud you tell them to "stop talking", what do you say?
Arrete de parler?
ferme la bouche?
This is how French people sneeze
On marche avec les ______.
Conjuguate: Nous (se coucher)
What is Nous nous sommes couché(e)s?
Quand tu tousses, you do this?
What is cough?
You and your friends are going early to a concert, how do you say "let's get up"?
What levons-nous?
This means "Ouch!"
What is "Aie!!"?