What are 3 of the 6 rights of medication
What are....
Resident, medication, dose, route, time, documentation
What is by mouth
Reasons a medication should not be taken or taken with caution
Pull up and back
What is what you do when administering ear drops
Must be double locked
What are controlled substances
Identify a resident with dementia
What is ask a staff member?
Free from pathogens
3 places medications can be stored
What is medication room, medication cart, fridge, and resident room
As needed
What are PRN medications
Number of times the medication is checked against the MAR when preparing it
What is 3
What is eye
notifications of serious and potentially life threatening side effects or adverse effects related to a drug
You should never do this is a resident is out of a medication
What is borrow
Temperature range of medication room
2 things you need to do before walking away from medication cart
With this route they are placed in the sim's position
What is Rectal
kind of packaging that is seen most commonly in OTC and Stock medications
These are the only tablets that can be split
What is scored?
Warfarin (Coumadin) is
What is a blood thinner
This is what you sort medications by in the med cart
What is route?
Also medications are sorted by resident name
What is ear
Another name for bubble packs, punch cards, or bingo cards
An example of an additive for foot soaks
What is epsom salts
You need to rinse a residents mouth out after inhalers for what reason
What is to prevent thrush and yeast infection