Ch8 Section 5 (HAVE NOT COVERED)
Lesser lord
What is a vassal
A legal system based on custom and court ruling founded by King Henry II
What is Common Law?
Charter that the rebelling nobles forced the untrustworthy King John to sign to limit the king’s power
What is the Magna Carta
Holy wars between Christians and Muslims.
What were the crusades?
Woman that believed God sent her to save France and King Charles VII authorized her to lead an army against the English.
Who is Joan of Arc?
An estate granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for service and other support to a greater lord.
What is a Fief?
Associations formed by merchants and artisans that rose from the middle class.
What are guilds?
The principle that no person can be held in prison without first being charged
What is habeas corpus?
He worked closely with the pope in order to unite Christian Europe, his successes were not sustained by his descendants and his empire was torn apart by Vikings after his death.
Who is Charlemagne?
Survivors of the Plague demanded higher wages so cost of labor soared causing a rise in prices Economic cycle that involves a rise in prices due to a sharp increase in money available.
What is inflation?
Holds the power of making sacraments, owning land, papal supremacy (popes authority), raising an army, moral authority
What is the Church?
Philosopher that used Anselm of Canterbury’s philosophy of scholasticism to conclude that faith and reason exist in harmony to lead to the same truth
Who is Thomas of Aquinas?
Caused by the creation and increase of universities, scholarships, literature and the arts.
What is learning and culture flourish?
Church court set up to try people accused of heresy, that was imposed by Ferdinand and Isabella in order to get rid of all Muslims and Jews who did not convert to Christianity.
What was the Inquisition?
War after the plague and economic decline between growing rivals France and England
What is the 100 Years' War?
Peasants that could not be forced off the fief (land), had to give money and crops as rent to the lord and provide labor to the lord
What is a serf?
Religious French King who fought to crusades against Muslims, expanded courts and limited Serfdom
Who is Louis IX (the 9th)
The effects from these wars involved an increase in monarch power, a failure to keep the holy lands, European economies expand and the popes and monarchs became involved in a power struggle
What were the Crusades?
Feud between this pope and emperor, where the pope wanted to be the only one to have the power to appoint bishops (meaning he banned lay investiture) The two ultimately compromised at the Concordat of Worms
Who are King Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII?
A permanent split in the church caused when French priests chose their own pope too rival the pope in Rome.
What is a schism?
Revolution that allowed farmers to grow more crops with new technology and boosted both food production and population
What is the agricultural revolution?
Established one of many Germanic Kingdoms that replaced the unifying force of the Roman Empire in Western Europe
Who is King Clovis?
Rallied Frankish warriors at the Battle of Tours and believed that their victory was a sign from God that Christianity was superior to Islam (write on the sheet )
Who is Charles Martel?
After the early crusades, the campaign by European Christians to drive the Muslims from present day Spain.
What is the Reconquista?
The Bubonic Plague in the 1300s caused by the starvation, overpopulation, lack of crops and bade health
What is Black Death?