Transport Layer Protocols
TCP Protocols
UDP Protocols
UDP Protocols Continued
At the transport layer, each particular set of data flowing between a source application and a destination application is known as a conversation. A host may have multiple applications that are communicating across the network simultaneously.
What is Tracking Individual Conversations?
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. A connection-oriented protocol is one that negotiates and establishes a permanent connection between source and destination devices prior to forwarding any traffic.
What is Establishing a Session?
Indicates the data that has been received.
What is Acknowledgement number (32 bits)?
Used for error checking of the segment header and data.
What is Checksum (16 bits)?
Occasionally data is received in a different order than it was sent. UDP does not provide any mechanism for reassembling the data in its original sequence. The data is simply delivered to the application in the order that it arrives.
What is No Ordered Data Reconstruction?
Data must be prepared to be sent across the media in manageable pieces. Most networks have a limitation on the amount of data that can be included in a single packet.
What is Segmenting Data and Reassembling Segments?
In networking terms, reliability means ensuring that each piece of data that the source sends arrives at the destination.
What is Reliable Delivery?
Known as ʺdata offsetʺ. Indicates the length of the TCP segment header.
What is Header length (4 bits)?
Indicates if data is urgent.
What is Urgent (16 bits)?
There are no mechanisms within UDP to control the amount of data transmitted by the source to avoid overwhelming the destination device.
What is No Flow Control?
There may be many applications or services running on each host in the network. To pass data streams to the proper applications, the transport layer must identify the target application.
What is Identifying the Applications?
Because networks may provide multiple routes that can have different transmission rates, data can arrive in the wrong order. By numbering and sequencing the segments, TCP can ensure that these segments are reassembled into the proper order.
What is Same-Order Delivery?
This field is reserved for the future.
What is Reserved (6 bits)?
Is a lightweight transport protocol that offers the same data segmentation and reassembly as TCP, but without TCP reliability and flow control.
What is UDP?
A port number in the segment to tell the destination server what service is being requested.
What is Destination Port?
Sending some types of data (for example, a streaming video) across a network, as one complete communication stream, could use all of the available bandwidth and prevent other communications from occurring at the same time. It also makes error recovery and retransmission of damaged data difficult.
What is Conversation Multiplexing?
Network hosts have limited resources, such as memory or bandwidth. When TCP is aware that these resources are overtaxed, it can request that the sending application reduce the rate of data flow. This is done by TCP regulating the amount of data the source transmits.
What is Flow Control?
Includes bit codes, or flags, that indicate the purpose and function of the TCP segment.
What is Control bits (6 bits)?
UDP does not establish a connection between the hosts before data can be sent and received.
What is Connectionless?
Is a randomly generated by the sending device to identify a conversation between two devices. This allows multiple conversations to occur simultaneously.
What is Source Port?
TCP/IP provides two transport layer protocols, (TCP) and (UDP).
What is Transmission Control Protocol and User Datagram Protocol?
Used for data reassembly purposes.
What is Sequence number (32 bits)?
Indicates the number of segments that can be accepted at one time.
What is Window size (16 bits)?
UDP does not provide services to ensure that the data will be delivered reliably. There are no processes within UDP to have the sender retransmit any data that is lost or is corrupted.
What is Unreliable Delivery?
These numbers are reserved for services and applications. They are commonly used for applications such as HTTP (web server), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)/Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) (email server) and Telnet.
What is Well-known Ports Numbers 0 to 1023?