Fluids and Pressure
Buoyant Force
Fluids and Motion
Pressure and Density Calculations
The amount of force exerted per unit area. To calculate, you take the force and divide it by the area over which the force is exerted (= force/area).
What is pressure?
According to Archimedes Principle, the buoyant force on an object in a fluid is an upward force equal to this.
What is the weight of the fluid that the object displaces?
Airplane wings are designed with this principle in mind, in order to achieve lift.
What is Bernoulli's principle?
The amount of matter in a given volume.
What is density?
Pressure = Force/Area. Calculate the pressure by a 3000 N crate that has an area of 2 meters squared. Use correct unit.
What is 1,500 Pa?
The SI unit for pressure.
What is the pascal?
These three things determine whether an object will float or sink.
What are shape, volume, and mass?
The fast moving air above an airplane's wing exerts less pressure than ...
What is the slow moving wind below the airplane's wing?
The organ used by fish to stay afloat.
What is a swim bladder?
Pressure = Force/area. What is the pressure exerted by a book that has an area of 0.2 meters squared and a weight of 10 N?
What is 50 Pa?
This is the reason that your ears "pop" when you are in a plane taking off.
What is decreasing atmospheric pressure?
This gas is 1/7th the density of air, making it the perfect gas for parade balloons.
What is helium?
This determines the speed of a plane.
What is thrust?
The four forces that act on an aircraft.
What are lift, thrust, drag, and gravity?
Density=mass/volume. What is the density of a 20 mL object that has a mass of 25 g?
What is 1.25 g/mL?
A diver that goes 10 meters under water is under this amount of pressure.
What is twice the pressure at the surface?
A submarine controls its' buoyancy using these.
What are ballast tanks?
Bubbles are round because fluid pressure is exerted in this way, as explained by Pascal's Principle.
What is exerted evenly?
The pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere.
What is atmospheric pressure?
Density = Mass/Volume. Calculate the density of a slimy green liquid with a mass of 163 g and a volume of 50 mL.
What is 3.26 g/mL?
When you begin to exhale, you decrease the space in your lungs and cause the pressure in your lungs to increase. Carbon dioxide then travels in this direction.
What is travel from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure?
All fluids exert this upward force.
What is buoyant force?
Drag, the force that opposes motion in a fluid, is caused by this.
What is irregular flow of air (turbulence)?
Any material that flows and takes the shape of its container.
What is a fluid?
Pressure= Force/Area. Find the weight (force) of an object that has an area of 10 meters squared and exerts a pressure of 250 Pa.
What is 2,500 N?