Post Civil War Change
The Farming and Railroad Revolution
Divided South and Indians
Imperial Expansion
Latin America and Asia

who was Andrew Carnegie?

He was responsible for great advances in steel production.


Homestead act...

a. Native Americans where given land in return for peace

b. 64 hectares where given to citizens who would occupy and improve the land

c. Farmers where given discounted land if they occupied it.

what is b


What is the 14th Amendment?

All people born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States.


What doctrine was first used to justify America's continental expansion?

What is Manifest Destiny.


What is the name of the canal, that joins the Atlantic, and the Pacific oceans?

What is Panama Canal.


Who was John D. Rockefeller?

What is the founder of the Standard Oil Company.


What industry did unfair practices, which lead to the Interstate Commerce Act (ICC)?

What is the railroad industry.


Name the 2 African American spokesman who gave advice on dealing with segregation.

What is Booker T. Washington and W.E.B DuBois.


What was America's first venture beyond her continental borders?

What is the purchase of Alaska.


List 2 countries that the US helped between 1900 and 1920?

What is Haiti, The Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua.


Who was Cornelius Vanderbilt?

What is being responsible in merging small railroad lines into large interstate railroad systems.


Pooling was...

a. When communities build a pool to equally distribute recreation.

b. When people of the same culture combined there money for communal use.

c. When railroads placed total earnings in a common fund to share.

What is c


Westward expansion led to more conflicts with the Indians, what 2 tribes gave the biggest opposition?

What is the Sioux, and the Apache.


What country sold Alaska to America in 1867?

What is Russia.


What is the name of the organization comprised of many independent nations of the Western Hemisphere dedicated to the peaceful settlement of disputes and to closer economic bonds?

what is Organization of American States (OAS)


Why where corporations and trusts developed?

what is to assist in merging independent industrial enterprises into centralized companies, such as US Steel Corporation.


What are 3 machines used in the advancement in farming.

What is the Reaper, Automatic Wire Binder, Threshing Machine, Mechanical Planter, Cutters, Poultry Incubators, Potato Planters, Manure Spreader, cream Separator, and Hay Drier.


What was the name of the American army general, who was killed by the Sioux at Little Big Horn River?

what is General George Custer.


What triggered the Spanish American War?

What is the sinking of the US warship, The Maine. (at Havana harbor)


What's the name of the rebellion in 1900 in witch the Chinese struck out against European powers?

What is The Boxer Rebellion.


What was the name of the huge iron ore range discovered in the late 1800s?

What is Mesabi


What act in 1862 allowed public land to each state for the establishment of agricultural and industrial colleges.

What is The Morrill Land Grant College Act


What Congressional act in 1887 led to the plundering of Indian lands and disruption of their traditional culture?

What is The Dawes Act.


In 1959, this Pacific island became the 50th state?

What is Hawaii.


What American president won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for mediating the Russo-Japanese War?

Who is Theodore Roosevelt.