The Nature of Motives
Motivating the Generations
This is the type of motivation at play when meaningful work gives us a sense of purpose. It involves a sense of rewards that come from inside.
What is internal motivation
According to Reiss, they are curiosity, acceptance, order, physical activity, honor, power independence, social contact, family, status, idealism, vengeance, romance, eating, saving and tranquility.
What are the 16 basic desires that motivate people
Motives can be difficult to read, so we have to draw conclusions and guess them. As the book puts it, motives are... (starts with an i)
What is inferred
This generation was born between 1977 and 2005. These realists want multifaceted jobs. They expect feedback right away whenever they want it. They are motivated by meaningful work.
What is Generation Y
Forrest Gump, millionnaire, mowes the lawn for free because he enjoys it. What type of motivation is he showing?
What is internal motivation?
This type of motivation comes from anticipating that you will be rewarded by others. This type of motivation usually will not motivate people long term.
What is external motivation
This theory states that only when our physiological needs are met can we be motivated by safety and security. And after those needs are met, we are motivated by belongingness. After those needs are met, we want esteem. After that need is met, we want self-actualization.
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
What satisfies one person's needs may not satisfy another person's needs. In other words, motives are, as the book puts it,
What is individualistic
This generation was born between 1928 and 1945. These loyalists are motivated to build legacies and be part of a company's future. To them, no news is good news.
What is the Mature Generation or Matures
You are the designer of this world. To you it is a game. You are making a character, and you want him to succeed. Which quality will most predict success: intelligence, determination, or wealth?
What is determination (grit)
This word comes from the Latin word movere, meaning to move. Definition of the word: factors explaining our behavior's initiation, direction, intensity and persistence.
What is motivation
This theory takes a two-pronged approach to explaining motivation. There are maintenance factors which are not motivators but keep us from changing jobs. Then there are motivational factors that motivate us to be productive.
What is Herzberg's Motivation Maintenance Theory
What motivates us early in life may not motivate us later in life. In other words, motives will
What is change
This generation was born between 1946 and 1964. These optimists want to be outstanding at work. They tend to want performance feedback once a year.
What is the Baby Boomer Generation
This is a word for hard work that yields success. It involves self discipline, a focus on goals, and passion for the job. Increases one's success regardless of one's ability level.
What is grit
This theory is related to the self fulfilling prophecy, where expecting to succeed or fail makes success or failure happen. An example of this theory: believing you can succeed in class motivates you to try harder.
What is Expectancy Theory
Sometimes people are not aware of what drives them. In such cases motives are
What is unconscious
This generation was born between 1965 and 1976. These skeptics want their careers to be portable. They like frequent comments about how they are doing.
What is Generation X
This theory divides managers in optimistic and pessimistic types.
What is McGregor's Theory X/Theory Y
The more important motive usually outweighs the less important one. The word the book uses for this is
What is prepotency (hierarchical also correct)
These two generations like to use the newest technology. They are comfortable with different kinds of people. They want to be rewarded based on how productive they are, not based on how many hours the work took.
What are Generation X and Y