What is wrong with making Jeremiah 29:11 a personal life verse?

 it was written as prophecy to the nation of Israel and not specifically to any of us


a skeptical worldview, founded as a reaction to modernism, which is suspicious of metanarratives and teaches that ultimate reality is inaccessible, knowledge is a social construct, and truth claims are political power plays.



Many theologians are disturbed by the postmodern focus on _____.



 Why is it important to read the Bible for ourselves?

We can’t get in shape by watching other people exercise. Nor can we grasp the Bible by reading about it. We have to get seriously into the text for ourselves


How should Christians handle doubt?

When you experience doubt or have questions, don’t bury them. Share them a trusted pastor, teacher, or mentor.


How did the printing press change the Bible’s impact on civilization?

Bibles became available, people were inspired to learn to read.


Postmodernism denies the existence of __________ 

objective truth 


 is the process of devising the best methods for understanding and interpreting Scripture


refers to the proper interpretation of a passage of Scripture based on careful study and analysis



The term ______ refers to the meaning of words or the subject matter of a written work. _______ refers to the content surrounding a written work.

content; context 


3 examples of prescriptive passages from the Bible 

  •  (the 10 Commandments)

  •  (the Sermon on the Mount)

  •  (the Great Commission)


Postmodernists believe ______ changes from person to person



a book written by a theologian to help people better understand scripture.

Bible commentary


_________ Equivalence Translations: attempt to keep as close to the form of the Hebrew or Greek

_________ Equivalence Translations: attempt to keep the meaning of the Hebrew or Greek but to put their words and idioms into what would be the normal way of saying the same thing in English (NAB, NLT)

__________Translations : attempt to translate the ideas from one language to another, with less concern about using the exact words of the original. A free translation, sometimes also called a paraphrase tries to eliminate as much of the historical distance as possible and still be faithful to the original text. (NEB, LB, MSG) 


Formal; Functional; Free


___________ refers to the time and culture of the author and his audience, that is the geographical, topographical, and political factors that are relevant to the setting.

___________ refers to the genre, structure, and grammar of a text.

Historical context; Literary context 


The Bible isn’t simply a repository of true information about God, Jesus, and the hope of the world. It is, rather, part of the means by which, in the power of the Spirit, the living God ________ his people and his world, and takes them forward on the journey toward his _________, and make us agents of that new creation even as we travel.


new creation 


Postmodernism says that we can know the world as it truly is. 

True or False 



2 tools we have to interpret the Bible: 

______ explains the words of scripture, and a __________ to develop a deeper understanding of words and their usage.

Lexicon; theological dictionary 


List 4 Genres in the Bible

 poetry, historical narratives, legal prescriptions, prophecies, psalms, proverbs, parables, letters, and apocalyptic literature.


Most of the Bible is ________ in nature



When studying the Bible we should ask the following of the text:

  • What does it say? (exegesis)

  • What does it mean? (hermeneutics)

  • What does it mean to me? (application) 


 a method of literary analysis that questions the ability of language to represent reality adequately and seeks to discern and expose the purpopted underlying ideologies of a text.



10 Mistakes People Make in Reading the Bible:

  1. We assume that the Bible doesn’t need to be ___________

  2. We assume that the Bible applies uniquely to us

  3. We ignore passages that don’t fit our ________ 

  4. We treat the Bible _________ 

  5. We feel that our study is fruitless if we have no discovered a new truth 

  6. We focus on what the text “means to me”

  7. We assume the Bible isn’t relevant to us today 

  8. We take the Bible out of _______ 

  9. We interpret the Bible based on contemporary moral standards

  10. We try to make the Bible fit contemporary standard for _______ correctness 

1. interpreted 

3. theology 

4. allegorically 

8. context 

10. political 


Who invented the printing press? 



A ________ passage teaches us through inference and example, giving us a sense of where the people if God have been, so that we might discern our future more clearly.

A _________ passage provide specific hallmarks of how we ought to live, how we ought to make decisions, and how we ought to think. Prescriptive passages reflect something of God’s nature and the created order, and this form commands to be obeyed or values to be adopted. 

Descriptive; Prescriptive