Great Migration
Push for Democracy
Britain's Response
This happened between 1815 and 1850 in North America
What is the Great Migration?
A system of government that does not have a monarch (usually a democracy)
What is a republic?
This brought hardship to Lower Canada?
What are crop failures?
An alliance among different groups.
What is a coalition?
The British takeover of New France in 1763 is an example of this.
What is conquest?
Change in the characteristics of a population.
What is a demographic shift?
A government established in a colony and controlled by an imperial power such as Britain.
What is a colonial government?
A group of wealthy English Canadian families — held power in the councils appointed by the governor.
Who is the “Family Compact”?
This bill sought compensation for people in Lower Canada who had suffered property damage during the Rebellions of 1837–1838
What is the Rebellion Losses Bill?
The infection of a large population by a disease.
What is an epidemic?
A way to relieve economic troubles, and to reinforce loyalty to its colonies.
What are reasons why Britain encouraged emigration?
He believed everyone was equal, so no one person had the right to make laws for others. The majority should rule.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
They were seeking more democratic government and controlled a majority of seats in the elected assembly. They drew most of their support from Canadiens.
Who is the Parti Patriote?
• Union of Lower and Upper Canada • More Democratic Government • Assimilation of the Canadiens
What are the three recommendations of the Durham Report?
Unjust or unfair use of power.
What is oppression?
A person intending to establish a home and citizenship in a country that is not their native country is called an ______, while a person who leaves their native country to establish a home and citizenship in another country is called an _______.
Immigrant and Emigrant
He believed that it was wrong to force people to follow the majority’s opinion.
Who is John Stuart Mill?
The three outspoken reformers in Lower Canada, Upper Canada, and Nova Scotia.
Who are Louis-Joseph Papineau, William Lyon Mackenzie, and Joseph Howe?
• Successfully pressured Britain to recognize French as an official language of the assembly. • Established the Université Laval and the University of Toronto • Secured amnesty for the rebels of 1837–1838. • Helped Britain grant the Province of Canada self-government in 1848. •
What are accomplishments of Fontaine and Baldwin?
Two or more peoples from diverse cultures living together peacefully.
What is coexistence?
The conditions aboard ships and a common disease.
Overcroaded, miserable, not enough water & food, many died ---- Cholera
When one person or group of people holds power in a society and uses power for their own interests.
What is a tyranny of the majority?
The Patriotes in Lower Canada and a militia of rebels in Upper Canada attempted a _____________ against the British.
What is a rebellion?
The __________ sought to __________ the ________, and keep Canada East and West under firm _______ control. As it turned out, an East-West partnership emerged that did exactly the _________.
Act of Union, assimilate, Canadiens, British, opposite
Despite being attacked by an angry mob, __________ signed the Rebellion Losses Bill.
Who is Lord Elgin?