Testing types

Appraisal can be defined as...

A. the process of assessing or eliminating attribute

B. testing which is always performed in a group setting

C. testing which is always performed on a single individual

D. a pencil and paper measurement of assessing attributes

A. The process of assessing or eliminating attribute

Because B, C, and D are too limited.


A short answer test is a(n) __________ test.

A. objective

B. culture-free

C. forced choice

D. free choice

D. free choice

The person taking the test can respond in any manner they choose.


The first intelligence test was created by...

A. David Wechsler

B. J. P. Guilford

C. Francis Galton

D. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon

D. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon

This test involved the French government, so think of the word beignets -> Binet


In constructing a test, you notice that all 75 people correctly answered item number 12. This gives you an item difficulty of...

A. 1.2

B. 0.75

C. 1.0

D. 0.0

C. 1.0

The item difficulty index is calculated by tasking the number of persons who answered the item correctly/total number of persons tested. 75/75=1


Your supervisor wants you to find a new personality test for your counseling agency. You should read...

A. professional journals

B. the Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook

C. classic textbooks in the field as well as test materials produced by the testing company

D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Moreover, it has been discovered that if the counselor involves the client in the process of test selection it will improve his or her cooperation in the counseling process.


A test format could be normative or ipsative. In the normative format...

A. each item depends on the item before it

B. each item depends on the item after it

C. the client must possess an IQ within the normal range

D. each item is independent of all other items

D. each item is independent of all other items

Ipsative measures compare traits within the same individual; they do not compare a person to other persons who took the instrument.


In a spiral test...

A. the items get progressively easier

B. the difficulty of the items remains constant

C. The client must answer each question in a specified period of time

D. the items get progressively more difficult

D. the items get progressively more difficult

Just remember that a spiral staircase seems to get more difficult to climb as you walk up higher.


___________ did research and concluded that intelligence was normally distributed like height or weight and that it was primarily genetic.

A. Spearman

B. Guilford

C. Williamson

D. Galton

D. Galton

Francis Galton felt intelligence was a single or so-called unitary factor


The mean on the Wechsler and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales (SB5) is ________ and the standard deviation is ________

A. 100;100

B. 100; 15 Wechsler, 16 Stanford-Binet

C. 100; 20

D. 100;1

B. 100; 15 Wechsler, 16 Stanford-Binet

IQs above 100 are above average, and those shy of 100 are below average


The standard error of measurement tells you...

A. how accurate or inaccurate a test score is

B.what population responds best to the test

C. something about social loading

D. the number of people used in norming the test

A. how accurate or inaccurate a test score is

If a client decided to take the same test repeatedly, you could plot the distribution of scores.


In the field of testing, validity refers to...

A. whether the test really measures what it purports to measure

B. whether the same test gives consistent measures

C. the degree of cultural bias in a test

D. the fact that numerous tests measures the same traits

A. whether the test really measures what it purports to measure

To be valid the test must measure what you want it to measure


The NCE is a(n) __________ test because the scoring procedure is specific.

A. subjective

B. objective

C. projective

D. subtest

B. objective

Since the NCE uses an a,b,c,d alternative format the rater's "subjective" feeling and thoughts would not be an issue.


Francis Galton felt intelligence was...

A. a unitary faculty

B. best explained via a two-factor theory

C. best explained via the person's environment

D. fluid and crystallized in nature

A. a unitary faculty

B, C, and D answers are for other theorists.


A new IQ test has a standard error of measurement (SEM) of 3. Tom scores 106 on the test. If he takes the test a lot, we can predict that about 68% of the time...

A. Tom will score between 100 and 103

B. Tom will score between 100 and 106

C. Tom will score between 103 and 109

D. Tom will score higher than Betty who scored 139

C. Tom will score between 103 and 109

Tom's score is 106, and with the SEM of 3, Tom's score will range from 103-109.


Counselors often shy away from self-reports since...

A. clients often give inaccurate answers

B. ACA ethics do not allow them

C. clients need a very high IQ to understand them

D. they are generally very lengthy

A. clients often give inaccurate answers

Say a client is monitoring her behavior and does not wish to disappoint her therapist. The report could be biased. This is a "reactive effect" of the self-monitoring.


Face validity refers to the extent that a test....

A. looks or appears to measure the intended attribute

B. measures a theoretical construct

C. appears to be constructed in an artistic fashion

D. can be compared to job performance

A. looks or appears to measure the intended attribute

Face validity - like a person's face - merely tells you whether the test looks like it measures the intended trait.


A test battery is considered...

A. a horizontal test

B. a vertical test

C. a valid test

D. a reliable test

A. a horizontal test

The difference between a horizontal test and a vertical test is: a vertical test has versions for various age brackets or levels of education (e.g., a math achievement test for preschoolers and a version for middle school children), and a horizontal test measures various factors (e.g., math and science) during the same testing procedure.


J. P. Guilford isolated 120 factors which added up to intelligence. He also remembered for his...

A. thoughts on convergent and divergent thinking

B. work on cognitive therapy

C. work on behavior therapy

D. work to create the first standardized IQ test

A. thoughts on convergent and divergent thinking

The 120 elements/abilities were added up to intelligence. Two of the dimensions - convergent and divergent thinking- still popular terms today.


IQ stands for intelligence quotient, which is expressed by...

A. CA/MA x 100

B. CA/MA x 100

C. MA/CA x 50

D. MA/CA x 100

D. MA/CA x 100

Has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 16.


In most instances, who would be the best qualified to give the Rorschach Inkblot Test?

A. a counselor with NCC after their name

B. A clinical psychologist

C. a D.O. psychiatrist

D. a social worker with LCSW after their name

B. A clinical psychologist

Generally, a clinical psychologist would have the most training in projective measures, while the social worker would have the least education regarding tests and measurements.


An aptitude test is to _________ as an achievement test is to ________

A. what has been learned; potential

B. potential; what has been learned

C. profit from learning; potential

D. a measurement of current skills; potential

B. potential; what has been learned

An aptitude test assesses "potential" and "predicts." An achievement test examins what you know or how well you currently perform


Which measure would yield the highest level of reliability?

A. a TAT, projective test popular with psychodynamic helpers

B. the WAIS-IV, a popular IQ test

C. the MMPI-2, a popular personality test

D. a very accurate postage scale

D. a very accurate postage scale

In the real world physical measurements are more reliable than psychological ones


Lewis Terman...

A. constructed the Wechsler tests

B. constructed the initial Binet prior to 1910

C. constructed the Rorschach

D. Americanized the Binet

D. Americanized the Binet

Since Terman was associated with Stanford University, the test became the Stanford-Binet


A counselor created an achievement test with a reliability coefficient of .82. The test is shortened since many clients felt it was too long. The counselor shortened the test but logically assumed that the reliability coefficient would now...

A. be approximately .88

B. remain at .82

C. be at least 10 points higher or lower

D. Be lower than .82

D. Be lower than .82

Increasing a test's length raises reliability. Shorten it and the antithesis occurs.


One problem with interest inventories is that the person often tries to answer the question in a socially acceptable manner. Psychometricians call this response style phenomenon...

A. standard error

B. social desirability (the right way to feel in society)

C. cultural bias

D. acquiescence

B. social desirability (the right way to feel in society)

The choice occurs when an individual purposely, or when in doubt, gives unusual response. This phenomenon is known as "deviation"