
Who is Bucephalus

Alexander the Greats horse who only Alexander ever road


What types of Greek Pillars were there

Doric-plain looking column at the top

Ionic-had a rolled scroll at the top of the column

Corinthian-had a fancy top often using flower designs


Whats The Olympian Games

  • in ancient times = to honor Zeus and display one’s physical skills

  • why held today = to promote peace and friendship between nations in friendly competition 

  • in the ancient game, the champions received a laurel wreath, free meals for life, and a free home; in today’s games, just a wreath and medal are awarded 

  • The Spartans impacted the Olympic Games by creating more physical events like wrestling, boxing, and the pankration


Whats a Amphtheaters 

a large outdoor theater where Greeks preform plays with large masks with funnels near the mouth to help spectators see and here preformers. In there all the men did the roles even the female roles. A comedy mask is a funny play with a funny mask a tragedy is a sad play with a tragic mask.


Whats The Legend of the Gordian Knot

told of a knot that was so twisted together, whoever could loosen it would be the future king of Asia. No one could untie it until Alexander withdrew his sword and with one swift action, cut the cord. 


Whats Philosphy 

 the love of wisdom it was about asking very basic questions about the nature of human thought and the nature of the universe. The Socratic  Method  was about asking pointed questions to students instead of lecturing. Also the idea between Aristoles golden mean is  to not have too much but not have too little.


Whats The Iliad

its the Golden apple which was told to go to the fairest it created a problem between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite they all thought it was for them. It was given to Aphrodite because he promised that he would get the most beautiful women in the world 

Whats Eureka

Greek word for Ive got it


Whats the epic story of the 10 year old 

the epic story of the 10 year war between Greece and Troy ending with the Odysseus and the Greeks creating the Trojan Horse to sneak into the city


Whats the Trojan Horse virus

its a virus that sneaks into your computure by just pressing on a link


Who is Herodotus and Thucydides 

Herodotus often mixted Gods into his historical accounts. 

Thucydides only wrote facts and what he could witness


Who were the Famous Greeks

1.Hippocrates-his belifs on the cause of diseses and the Hippocratic oath that doctors take today 

2.Aristarchus-his theory that the earth orbited the sun not the other way around

3.Eratosthenes-Father of Geography;latitude and longitude on maps.

4.Euclid-Father of Geomatry there is no royal way

5. Archimedes-shouted Eureka! when he figured out the value of Pi


Who is Alexander the Great

Philip II of Macedonia = Some advancements he made in warfare included:

 catapults (tossing objects overwalls from a safe distance away), 

battering rams ( breaking down doors and making holes in walls), 

tower on wheels (to safely get close to the walls while attacking those inside)

The  weakness in the Greeks that enabled him to easily conquer the Greek city-states was that they remained in separate city-states and not united together


Whats the Trojan Horse

its how the greeks were able to sneak into troy it was thought up by Odysseus


Who is Aesop

the blind slave who created short little Fables often involving animals where there was a moral or a lesson


Whats the Hellenistic Era

its a period of time when Greek culture was being spread such as architecture, language, Religion, and scientific ideas. 


Who is Achilles 

the mighty greek warrior whos only week spot was his heel


What is a truce 

an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time


Whats the Battle of Chaeronea

 Alexander’s actions inspired his men because no matter how hurt or injured he was after almost being killed by the eagle, being stabbed, and being shot by an arrow, he insisted on remaining on the battlefield fighting with his men rather than taking the easy way out to stop fighting


What does the Phrase “Nothing has changed except the name of the king” mean

said by Alexander after the assassination of his father. He was letting everyone know he planned to unite the Greeks and defeat the Persians, just like his father the king had wanted to do. 

Who is Archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann

He discoverd that Troy actually existed and found the remains of walls and evidence of a fire to prove the Trosian war actually happened. He found no evidence of the Trojan horse


Whats a Fable

a short story usually with animals and charecters that has a moral