Greek Gods
Greek Philosophers
Alexander the Great

Supreme ruler of the Greek gods, uses thunderbolts, has a weakness for the ladies.

Who is Zeus?


•They taught academic subjects and rhetoric, the art of public speaking and debate.

•They didn’t believe the gods influenced human actions.

•They also rejected the idea of right or wrong. A way of life that was right for one person could be wrong for another.

•They challenged Greek traditions and accepted money for teaching. Critics felt they lacked ideals and morals and that they just taught students to win arguments rather than seeks truths.

Who were the Sophists?


Considered to be the father of modern history, he wrote A History of the Persian Wars. While he wrote that the Gods still played a role in historical events, he still made an effort to separate fact from fiction. He investigated and interviewed many different people to get to the truthfulness of the events.

Who is Herodotus?


Alexander's father, a Macedonian, who lived in Greece as a young man and grew to admire Greek culture and their military skill. He becomes king of Macedonia in 359 B.C., creates a strong army, trained his soldiers to fight like the Greeks, then planned to unite to Greek city states under his rule, and destroy the Persian Empire as well.


Who is Philip II?


Greek Scientist who claimed the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth.

Who is Aristarchus?


The city-state where the Olympics were held in ancient Greece.

What is Olympia?


Greek god who ruled the seas and oceans

Who is Poseidon?


Technically a Phoenician, Zeno preached this philosophy, one in which happiness came from "doing one’s duty, and following reason, not one’s emotions".

What is Stoicism?


A physician who is regarded as the father of medicine. He believed that diseases came from natural causes and not evil spirits, as many believed at the time. He developed his own treatments to cure sick people. He even came up with a set of rules/oath on how doctors should treat patients. It states doctors should do all they can to help a patient and keep their privacy.

Who is Hippocrates?


At this age, Alexander is made commander of a Macedonian army, and at this age, he became king of Macedonia.

What are 16 yrs old and 20 yrs. old?


A short tale that teaches a lesson, usually using animals.

What is a fable?


The Olympics were rumored to have been started either by a king who wanted to bring peace to the region, or by this legendary mythical hero.

Who is Hercules?


Greek goddess of love and beauty

Who is Aphrodite?


A sculptor by training, but he loved philosophy. In his search for truth, he came up with a new way of questioning.  Instead of lecturing, he asked pointed questions to his students and allowed them to find the answers for themselves and form their own opinions. He believed in absolute truth and that all knowledge was within each person.


Who is Socrates?


A general in the Peloponnesian War and later a historian, he wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War. He rejected the idea that the gods had any affect on human history. He visited battle sites and carefully examined documents. In addition, he only accepted only actual eyewitness reports of events. He also explored the causes and effects of events so that past history might be a warning to future generations.

Who is Thucydides?


A type of light infantry in Alexander's army (who fought along side his phalanx and Hoplite units) who often served as skirmishers in charge of "picking off" high ranking enemy generals and officials with javelins, spears, slingshots, rocks, etc.

What are Peltasts?


The philosophy or belief that happiness is "the freedom from fear and pain. Happiness and pleasure was spending time with friends and not being upset about  the problems in life."

What is Epicureanism?


The winner of each event in ancient Greece was presented with this, not a medal.

What is an olive branch?


Goddess of wisdom, won a contest over Poseidon for naming right to Athens.

Who is Athena?


•One of Socrates’ students, he founded ‘The Academy’ and wrote ‘The Republic’ which presented his plan for an ideal society.

•He believed society should be 3 categories: Philosopher kings(who rule with logic and wisdom) Warriors(who defended society from attack using force) and the common people(who produced society’s food, clothing shelter, but lacked the wisdom of kings and courage of the warriors)

 He distrusted the common people and felt they needed a philosopher king who was well educated and would put the needs of the community ahead of his own.

•He was, however, willing to grant more rights to women. He believed they should have the same opportunities for education and jobs that men had.

Who is Plato?


He worked on solid geometry and studied ball like shapes called spheres, and tube like shapes called cylinders. He also figured out the value of pi, which measures the area of circles.  He was also an inventor who invented weapons of war.  On the King of Syracuse’s request he designed the world’s first catapult.

Who is Archimedes?


Name 3 significant things that made Alexandria important to the Greek and Hellenistic world.

What are: (Possible answers)

By 100 B.C. Alexandria in Egypt became the largest city in the Mediterranean world. It had two great harbors and a towering lighthouse. 

It had a library with the largest collection of writings in the ancient world. (More than 500,000 scrolls.) Its library and museum attracted many scholars who did research and helped the spread of new ideas across the world.

•Alexandria served as Greek capital of Egypt.

•Its location on the Mediterranean Sea led to trade and economic growth.


He concluded that the Earth was round and figured out its circumference.

Who is Eratosthenes?


Athletes caught cheating in the ancient Olympics were forced to do this as punishment.

What is that the disgraced athletes were to pay to put up statutes of Zeus at their own expense.


Greek goddess of Spring, she was kidnapped by Hades and forced to live a few months of every year in the underworld. When she is there, it is winter on Earth, because her mother Demeter gets so depressed at her daughter's absence, she does allow crops to grow.

Who is Persephone?


He categorized governments into 3 types: monarchy(rule by one person), oligarchy(rule by a select few) and democracy(rule by many). He believed the best government had features of all three types. He thought a chief executive would serve as head of state, a council would assist the leader, and be supported by the people.

Who is Aristotle?


Taught his students that the universe followed the same laws that governed music and numbers. He believed all relationships could be expressed in numbers. He developed a theorem in Geometry which states how to determine the length of the sides of a triangle.

Who is Pythagoras?


Name 4 ways Alexander was a great leader.

What is: 

1) Brilliant Strategist.

2) Loyal to his men.

3) Very brave.

4) Through his empire he helped spread Greek art, culture,ideas, religion, architecture, gov't to non-Greek peoples throughout the world.

5) Founded Alexandria in Egypt which helped to do #4 above.


Describe/Name 4 ways how Alexander was able to defeat Darius III in the Battle of Gaugamela.

What is:

1) Alexander placed his forces at an angle(cheating out his left flank. This drew Darius' forces to that side.

2) Then, Alexander rode with his cavalry the other direction and parallel to Darius' forces. Darius then took some of his forces away from Alex's left flank to chase Alexander. Darius feared he would try to flank him.

3) The pursuit of Alexander thinned out Darius' forces in the middle.

4) Alexander then turned his calvalry 160 degrees back into Darius' exposed hole.

5) In addition, while out-numbered, Alexander's soldiers had better army and equipment.

6) To neutralize Darius' chariots with scythes, Alexander creates a "mousetrap" where horse would be lead into a U shape corral then speared to death.


Name one argument for why competitors in the Ancient Greek Olympics might have competed in the nude, and one argument for why they didn't.

Answers will vary.