In order for a solution to form, this must happen
What is one substance must dissolve in another.
A salt is dissolved in water, which has a boiling point of 100°C. The boiling point of the solution will be this (in general)
What is greater than 100°C.
During the formation of a solution, energy is this
What is either released or absorbed.
The maximum amount of a solute that will dissolve in a certain amount of solvent at a given temperature is that solute’s this
What is solubility
The solubility of carbon dioxide gas in water can be increased by this
What is increasing the pressure.
A substance dissolves in water by breaking up into smaller pieces. These pieces of the same substance spread throughout the water. This process is known as this .
What is dispersion
The physical properties of a solution that differ from those of its solute and solvent include freezing point, boiling point, and this.
What is conductivity
A food packet taken on a camping trip has a warming packet. This packet contains water and a solute that releases heat when it is dissolved. The dissolving process for this solute and solvent can be described as this.
What is exothermic
The rate that a solid solute dissolves in a liquid solvent depends on the frequency and energy of this between the particles of the solute and solvent.
What is collisions
Stirring increases the rate of solution of a solid in a liquid because solute particles in solution are moved in this direction of the surface of the solute.
What is away from
One way to determine the degree of saturation of a solid-liquid solution is to drop a crystal of the solute into the solution. If the crystal sits at the bottom of the container, the solution is this
What is saturated
A solution that contains more solute than it would normally hold at that temperature is said to be this
What is supersaturated
To calculate the molarity of a solution, you need to know the moles of solute and this
What is volume of the solution.
A base is defined as a compound that produces these
What is hydroxide ions in solution.
The products of the neutralization reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium hydroxide are these
What is MgCl2 and H2O.
Table salt is this kind of soluble in cold water than it is in hot water.
What is less
The statement “203.9 g of table sugar will form a saturated solution in 100 g of water” is not complete because this is not mentioned.
What is temperature
If a saturated solution of sugar water is heated, the solution will become this.
What is unsaturated
An acid produces these when it is dissolved in water.
What is hydronium ions
When a substance donates a proton during a chemical reaction, that substance can be classified as this.
What is an acid
The salt that is formed during the reaction between potassium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid is this
What is KCl
An acid can be defined as this
What is a proton donor.
Ammonia, NH3, can be classified as a base because in a chemical reaction with an acid, ammonia will do these two things
What is accept a proton and become NH4+.
Calcium hydroxide forms very few hydroxide ions in solution, but it is still considered a strong base because of this
What is all the calcium hydroxide in solution dissociates.
A small amount of acid is added to a buffer solution. The pH of the solution will do this
What is stay about the same.