The PER Worksheet
Logic Models
Building Blocks
Data Collection

This is a detailed explanation of the target behavior or environmental condition; outlines the behavioral antecedents and the hypothesized relationship between the antecedents. 

What is the Theoretical Logic Model


The three columns of the PER Worksheet.

What are Predisposing, Enabling, and Reinforcing?


A visual picture of how program planners expect a program to work; it illustrated the theory and the assumptions underlying the program.

What is a Logic Model?


Building blocks can be identified by answering one or more questions; what are the questions?

1. What are the behavioral milestones? 2. What are the key antecedents? 3. Who are the important others?


These 3 things are common methods for assessing information about behaviors and behavioral antecedents.

What are focus groups, key informant interviews, and questionnaires?


To experiment with a health behavior; often a behavioral milestone in health behavior change.

What is Trial Use?

Represent cognitive and affective antecedents related to motivation or rationale for the target behavior. 

What are Predisposing Factors?

Illustrate the specific activities that will be implemented in a program. 

What is Activity Logic Model?


Two important and common milestones are:

What are Intention and Trial Use?


These can be administered via written surveys, telephone, face-to-face questioning, or the internet.

What are Questionnaires?


The foundation of the development of the logic model; they establish the initial framework from which other antecedents and relationships are displayed.

What are Behavioral Building Blocks?


Column 2 (Enabling Factors) encompasses these health behavioral theories.

What are the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, Social Networks, Diffusion of Innovations, and the Social Ecological Model? 


This type of logic model is also called a conceptual model. 

What is a Theoretical Logic Model?


These have consistent and strong relationships with the target behavior.

What are Key Antecedents?


The purpose of the focus group is to:

What is To assess individual perceptions about particular behaviors?


A planning tool that provides lay term prompts for identifying health behavior antecedents; it encompasses 8 common health behavior theories. 

What is the PER Worksheet?


This stage involves the sustainability of the behavior and its integration into one's lifestyle. 

What is Column 3 Reinforcing Factors?


These illustrate the anticipated short-term and long-term outcomes from the program activities- what a team expects to get as a result of the program activities.

What is an Outcome Logic Model?


These can be mapped as a pathway or story line through the model leading up to the target behavior.

What are Important Others?


These are facilitated by a trained interviewer and follow a semistructured facilitator's guide with set themes and planned probing questions. 

What is a Key Informant Interview?


A successive order of two or more items. 

What is Sequence?


The category prompts of predisposing factors.

What are Know, Believe, Intention, and Demographics?


Programmatically, logic models display:

What are Program Resources, Program Activities, Activity Outputs, Participant Outcomes, and Long-Term Impact?


After the behavioral building blocks are identified these are placed logically around each building block.

What are Antecedents Remaining From The PER Worksheet?


This is another category of primary data collection used to assess need, evaluate program outcomes, and understand behavioral antecedents. 

What is Observation?