A legislative body that is divided into two separate chambers or houses
Drawing congressional districts to favor one political party or group over another
Changes or additions made to a bill or a piece of legislation
Select Committee
Temporary committee formed for a specific purpose or to address a particular issue
Proposed laws that are introduced in legislative bodies
President Pro Tempore
Senior member of the majority party chosen to preside in the absence of the Senate president; lacks real power
Office holders helping constituent solving problems involving government and the bureaucracy
The people who live in a specific area and are represented by an elected official
Caucuses are meetings run by political parties that are held at the county, district, or precinct level
Rules Committee
Determines the rules and procedures for how bills are debated and considered on the house floor
Conference Committee
Reconcile the differences between the House and the Senate and making sure a bill becomes a law
Legislative Veto
The legislative branch of government to nullify or overturn certain actions or decisions made by the executive branch
Additional provisions or amendments that are attached to a bill, unrelated to the main purpose of the legislation
Often used to describe elected officials who are expected to use their own judgment and expertise to make decisions in the best interest of the public
Majority Leader
Serves as the major assistant to the speaker, helps plan the legislative program, directs floor debate
Speaker of the House
Presiding officer and most powerful member of the house;bills to committee, controlling floor debates
Practice of individuals or groups trying to influence lawmakers or government officials to support a particular cause or policy
Lawmakers exchange favors like making deals or trading votes to advance one's own agenda or gain support for a particular bill
Seniority System
A way of determining leadership positions and committee assignments in the US Congress based on the length of service
The redistribution of congressional seats after the census determines the changes in population distribution among the states
Distribution among the states based on the population of each of the population of each of the states
Standing Committee
Permanent committees in the US Congress that focus on specific policy areas, like finance, foreign relation, or agriculture, review proposed bills, conduct hearings
Joint Committee
Members from both the senate and house of representatives formed to address specific issues that require collaboration and coordination between both chambers of congress
The process of monitoring and reviewing actions of government agencies and officials to ensure they are acting within the law and serving the best interest of the public
Incumbency Effect
Advantage that politicians have in elections due to the facts of name recognition, campaign resources, and the ability to showcase their accomplishments