Based on population
What is the house of representatives
The presedent wasnt supposed to have much power why does he?
What are powers loosely outlined
What can congress do to advance the nation
What are nessesary and proper laws
The chief justice has 8 what?
Who are the 8 associate judges
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: the executive branch can do any of these to the legislative branch
What is Propose laws, veto laws, appointments (forign), or treaties.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: A term length of every 6 years
What is the senate
They are in charge of the military
Who is the presedent/ commander in chief
The majority vote in a election gives the person this
What is the whole states vote
This is where you go for a retrail
What is the Appeals court
The legislative can do both this and that to the judicial judges
What is to impeach, and approve judges
The vice presedent is the leader of what house?
What is the senate
the presedent can do this to people who broke the law
What is a pardon
The term for a supreme court judge is this
What is for life
The judical can call the executive actions and the legislative laws what?
What is unconstitutional
the leader of the house of representatives
Who is the speaker of the house
The presedent can run for this many terms and for this long
What is two terms and 4 years each
The presedent can appoint judges but who approves them
What is the congress
A term length of 2 years
What is the house of representatives
The presedent can do this with foreign countries
What are treaties, appoint ambassadors, etc.
This branch holds the most power and why
What is they all have equal power over each other because of checks and balences
This is the supreme courts greatist power
What is to declare something unconstutional