Key Issue 1
Key Issue 2
Key Issue 3
Key Issue 4
State Matters
An area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government, which controls its own internal and foreign affairs
What is a state?
This invisible line separates a state from its neighbor
What is a boundary?
Since its establishment in 1945, this organization's membership has grown from 49 to 192 states
What is the United Nations?
Attacks aimed at specific military targets or political figures
What are assassinations?
These are small states with central capitals - considered to efficent
What are compact states?
This term refers to a state sole control of its own internal affairs, independent from the influence or control of other states
What is sovereignty?
A state that lacks direct access to the sea because it is completely surrounded by several other countries is referred to as a what?
What is a landlocked state?
This concept refers to a condition of roughly equal strength between opposing alliances.
What is balance of power?
This world wide terrorist organization, with an unconfirmed number of members
What is Al - Qaeda?
An internal organization of a state that allocates most powers to units of local government
What is a federal state?
This state was divided into north & south occupation zones by the United States and former Soviet Union after they defeated Japan in World War II
What is Korea
European powers built these during the twentieth century in order to connect the interior of Africa with the sea
What are railroads?
The military alliance among Communist Eastern European countries guaranteed its members protection against foreign invasion
What is the Warsaw Pact?
Osama bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda leaders were sheltered by the these fundamentalist leaders in Afghanistan
Who are the Taliban?
A sovereign state comprising a walled city and its immediate surrounding lands
What is a city-state?
This term refers to states with very small land areas
What is a microstate?
Deserts, Mountains and water are examples of these types of boundaries
What are physical boundaries?
The main task of this economic alliance is to promote development within member states through economic cooperation
What is the European Union
In 1990, this country attempted to annex the country of Kuwait, but was driven out by international forces
What is Iraq?
This is an otherwise compact state with a large projecting extension
What is prorupted state?
The development of states can be traced back to the ancient Middle East, specifically to an area known as what?
What is the Fertile Crescent?
A zone where no state exercises complete political control and serves as an area of separation
What is a frontier?
The primary focus of this regional organization is to promote economic integration among African countries
What is the African Union
The war on terrorism has spilled over into this country from its western neighbors Iran & Afghanistan
What is Pakistan?
Control of an territory already occupied and organized by an indigenous group
What is imperialism?