What are the main responsibilities of the Chief Executive?
Enforces federal laws, appoints officials, and issues executive orders.
How does a presidential pardon work?
It forgives a crime and frees the individual from legal penalties.
What is the role of the Vice President in government?
Presides over the Senate and steps in if the president is unable to serve.
What is the purpose of a treaty, and who must approve it?
Formal agreement between nations; requires Senate approval.
What role does the Senate play in approving treaties and executive agreements?
Must approve treaties and executive agreements.
As Commander in Chief, what is the president's role?
Leads the U.S. military and can order troops into battle.
How does the president act as Chief Diplomat?
Directs foreign policy, negotiates treaties, and represents the U.S. to other countries.
How does the White House Office assist the president?
Provides key staff support and includes about 500 employees.
How do executive agreements differ from treaties?
Made between leaders and do not require Senate approval.
Name a vice president who became president due to an assassination.
Andrew Johnson (Lincoln), Chester Arthur (Garfield), Theodore Roosevelt (McKinley), Lyndon B. Johnson (Kennedy).
What responsibilities does the Legislative Leader have?
Proposes laws and works with Congress to pass legislation.
What is the purpose of a reprieve?
It delays a punishment.
What is the function of the Cabinet, and how many executive departments are included?
Advises the president; consists of 15 executive department heads.
What is an embargo?
A ban on trade with a specific country.
Name a vice president who became president due to the natural death of an incumbent.
John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman.
How does the president influence the economy as an Economic Leader?
Helps shape economic policy and the federal budget.
How does amnesty differ from a pardon?
Amnesty forgives a group of people for offenses rather than an individual.
What happens when there is a tie in the senate?
Vice President makes the final decision.
How does international trade benefit the U.S.?
Promotes economic growth and strengthens diplomatic relationships.
What does the term "incumbent" mean?
The official currently holding office.
What does it mean for the president to be a Party Leader?
Supports party members running for office and helps guide party policies.
What is an executive order, and what power does it hold?
A rule issued by the president that has the force of law.
What do regulatory commissions do?
Enforce laws in specific areas and oversee regulations.
How does embargo impact international relations?
can cause pressure on governments.
How does the civil service system function?
Hires government workers based on merit rather than political affiliation.