Ratios and Rates
Proportions and Customary Measurements
Similar Figures
Indirect Measurement
If a band has 4 flutes, 8 trumpets, and 3 clarinets. What are the three equivalent ratios of trumpets?
What is 8/15 or 8to15 or 8:15
What is 300% as a fraction or a whole number?
What is 3/1 or 3
There are 2 families that went camping. They stayed there for 4 weeks. How many hours?
What is 672 hours.
I have a triangle that has one side that is 9cm, 11cm, and 7cm and an angle A. I have another triangle that has one side that is 13cm, 16cm, and ycm and an angle B=65°. What is the measurement of length y and the measurement of the angle A?
What is y=10.11 angle A=65°
A Building cast a shadow that is 72meters. There's a 6 foot tall man that cast a shadow that's 12 feet long. How tall is the building?
What is 36 feet tall
There are 8 ipods, 2 Nintendo DSi's, 19 Laptop's, and 15 Radios. Write three equivalent ratios for all of the electronics to Laptop's.
What is 44/19, 44 to 19, 44:19
Write 35% as a decimal?
What is .35
A baby was born and she weighed 32 ounces. How many pounds did the baby weigh?
What is 2 pounds
A family built a snowman that cast a shadow that is 10 foot tall. There's a lamp that's 12 feet tall with a shadow that is 16 feet long. How tall is the snowman's shadow?
What is 13.33 feet tall
There's 3 kittens, 9 puppy's, 5 lamb's, and 6 monkeys. What is the ratio fraction of all animals to monkeys?
What is 23/6
Write 150% as a fraction the answer as a mixed number.
What is 1.5
If my mom and I went on a walk and we walked 8 miles. How many yards did we walk all together?
What is 28,160 yards
A lamp cast a shadow that is 15 feet long. A building is 40 feet tall and cast a shadow that is 60 feet long. How tall is the lamp?
What is 10 feet tall
There's 14 math books, 13 reading books, and 17 science books. What are the three equivalent ratios of all the books to science books?
What is 44/17 or 44to17 or 44:17
If there are 19 students in the 6th grade class. 4 students are the "class clowns". What is the percent of the students that are good? Round to the nearest percent.
What is 78%
We used 5 gallons of water. How many cups did we use?
What is 80 cups.
A bed cast a shadow that's 11 feet long. A 6 foot pole cast a shadow that's 13 feet long. How tall is the bed?
What is 5.07 feet tall
What is a better deal? A 2-liter bottle of pop that cost $1.99. A 3-liter bottle of pop that cost $2.02.
What is a 3-liter bottle of pop
Write .047 as a percent.
What is 4.7%
Our yard is 17 yards. How many inches?
What is 612 inches
A stand cast a shadow that's 5 feet. A 6 foot stop sign cast a shadow that's 7 foot. How tall is the stand?
What is 8.4 feet tall