An Emerging Identity
Conflict at Red River
Red River Resistance, 1869
Creation of Manitoba
Second Metis Uprising 1885
Information about a group of people who live in a particular area.
What is demographics
Who led colonists from Scotland to the Red River Valley?
Who is Lord Selkirk.
Outsiders believed the prairies were barren lands. This land that was left for FN was called?
What is Rupert's land.
To find a solution to the crisis at Red River John A MacDonald proposed the _______________________.
What is the Manitoba Act
When the government still didn't listen to the Metis and there were still disagreements over land the Metis feeling frustrated went farther ____________ and ______________.
What is west and north.
Children of First Nations women and British trader
What is Country born Metis
For how long had the Metis been settled in the Valley?
What is over 100 years.
What were some of the reasons that Rupert's land joins Canada?
The Red River colony was connected to Minnesota. Americans were arriving and trade was growing. Maybe US would claim the land if Canada did not.
The Manitoba act included only the English language.
What were 2 of the largest challenges to Metis and FN way of life?
What are starvation and poverty.
The Metis kept some of their FN spiritual beliefs but also practiced the ______________ religion.
What is Catholic
They believed the HBC had sent Lord Selkirk to disrupt their trade.
Who are the Nor'Westers.
The process by which a culture or individual is absorbed into another culture.
What is assimilation.
How many members were elected to the House of commons and how many to the senate?
What is 4 and 2.
After many attempts at petitions and to get the government to listen the Metis were very frustrated and invited _______________to be their voice.
Who is Louis Riel.
Metis had a unique economy and values. How did they make a living based on their territory and resources.
What is the fur trade, buffalo hunt and growing crops?
The governor banned the Metis from exporting buffalo and created the_________________?
What is the Pemmican Proclomation
What happened when surveyors were sent to survey the land?
Since different languages were spoken, Metis sent for Riel to interpret. He told them to leave. They set up a National Committee to protect their rights.
Natural resources on unclaimed land were under whose control?
What is the federal government.
When sending a Bill of Rights to Ottawa outlining their demands, to solve land issue problems and more food rations for FN, didn't work ,the group led by Riel did what?
What is took up arms.
The Metis developed their own language. It was a mix of what languages? And what was it called?
What is French, English and 1 or more FN language. Michif
When Metis passed by Fort Douglas, angry words and shots were exchanged.
What is the Battle of Seven Oaks.
To protect the interests of the people who lived there the Metis provisional government drew up a ___________________.
What is Bill of Rights.
When soldiers were sent to help keep the peace and defend the territory from the US there was a hidden agenda by some of the soldiers. What was it?
What is to capture Louis Riel and punish the Metis.
After a violent but brief resistance between Metis and the police,the Metis and FN allies surrender. What was the fate of Riel?
He was on trial for treason and was found guilty. He was sentenced to hang.