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This mental representation has some of the physical characteristics of the object being considered, which includes mental images.

What is analogical representation

The attempts to predict how people will actually make decision, not the ideal choice.

What is descriptive decision theory

The small units that have meaning, including suffix and prefix and contain phonemes.

What is language

The index of intelligence computed by dividing a child’s estimated mental age by child’s chronological age then multiplying this number by 100 .

What is the intelligence quotient (IQ)

A mental representation that groups or categorizes objects, events, or relations around common themes.

What is a concept

The cognitive structures that help us perceive, organize, and process information.

What is a schema

The tendency to place a person or object in a category if the person or object is similar to our prototype for that category.

The general tendency to make a decision based on the answer that come most easily to mind

What is Representativeness Heuristics and 

Availability Heuristics


The distinct unit of sound in a specified language that distinguishes one word from another.

What is a phoneme

Intelligence that reflects both knowledge acquired through experience and the ability to use that knowledge. 

What is crystallized intelligence 

The problem solving strategies that have worked in the past.

What are mental sets

This model states that a concept is characterized by features that help determine if an object is a member of a certain category. 

What is the attribute model

The attempts to predict how people SHOULD make decisions.

What is normative decision theory

The tendency of toddlers to use sentences that are missing words, but follow logical elements and have meaning.

What is telegraph speech

The ability to use knowledge to reason, make decisions, make sense of events, solve problems, learn quickly, and adapt to environmental challenges.

What is intelligence

A schema that directs behavior overtime within a situation.

What is a script

This abstract mental representation does not illustrate the physical characteristics of an object or idea.

What is symbolic representation

The tendency to rely on the first information encountered or information that comes most quickly to mind.

What is anchoring

When readers struggle to differentiate symbols from letters and have difficulty understanding what letters are meant to be grouped together.

What is dyslexia

Intelligence that reflects the ability to process information, understand relationships, and think logically particularly in novel complex circumstances

What is fluid intelligence

The tendency for people to overestimate how events will make them feel in the future .

What is affective forecasting?

The way the brain represents information and these representations are used to understand our environment.

What is cognitive psychology

The tendency to emphasize the potential losses or potential gains from at least one alternative.

What is framing

When readers have trouble understanding the meaning of words.

What is aphasia

An environmental factor or an entire environment, that increases what might have started as a small advantage.

What is a social multiplier

A form of intelligence that emphasizes the abilities to manage , recognize, and understand emotions and use emotions to guide appropriate thought and action. 

What is emotional intelligence