Did Congress pass the Indian Removal Act?
Yes, congress passed the act.
What did Jackson call his secret second cabinet
What is "Kitchen Cabinet"
How many terms did Jackson do?
Who disagreed with Jackson's choice to V.E.T.O the bank?
Daniel Webster
What was the Cherokee Chiefs name?
Who is Sequoya
Who were the first Indians to be removed?
Who is the Choctaw Indians
Jacksons quoted, "To the victor ______"
"To the victor goes the spoils"
What polotical party to Jackson form?
Jackson believed the bank was ____
What is the definition of "nationalism"?
What is pride in country
What was established as "Indian Territory"?
What is Oklahoma
Who filled Jackson's cabinet?
Did Jackson like the rich and powerful?
No, Jackson disliked the rich and powerful.
When the National Bank was vetoed, where did the money go?
State banks
Where was John C. Calhoun from?
What is the South
When Jackson ignored the court, who did he remove?
What wanted criminal did Andrew Jackson hire?
Who is Samuel Swartwout
Where is Andrew Jackson from? (n, s, e, w?)
Who did Jackson believe ran the bank?
The rich foreginers
Who formed the Whig Party?
Who was John Quincy Adams
How many Cherokee died on the Trail of Tears?
18,000 Cherokee died
How much money did Samuel Swartwout steal from his job?
$1,222,705.09 was stolen
What was the political cartoon called with Jackson as a king?
"King Andrew I"
It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of _________________.
"government for their selfish purposes."
Why were Indians moved out of Georgia?
They found gold