Famous Figures
Biology and Physiology
The Environment Interaction
This man was asked by the French Minister of Education to develop a test to identify subnormal children - the first intelligence test.
Alfred Binet
This type of matter in the brain is most highly associated with IQ, slightly more than white matter
Gray matter
This term is used to describe consistency of test results
The tension between a person's innate abilities and characteristics and those brought about by their surroundings
Nature vs. Nurture
This type of test measures aspects of a person including motives, characteristics, interests ,values, and attitudes
Personality test
This American worked at Stanford University, built off Alfred Binet's work, and began scoring intelligence tests with "intelligence quotients" (IQs).
Lewis Terman
This division of the autonomic nervous system is reactive to stress and threats
The sympathetic division
This term refers to the ability of a test to measure what it was made to measure
This is the name of the phenomenon of IQ scores going up with each generation. It is why IQ tests and scores must be renormed
The Flynn Effect.
This is a numerical index of the degree of relationship between two variables.
Correlation coefficient
This man asserted that emotion depends on 1) autonomic arousal and 2) cognitive interpretation of that arousal based on environment
Stanley Schachter
This is the correlation, on average, between brain volume based on MRI scans and IQ
A mental performance showing the abilities typical of a child at a certain age
Mental age
According to the reaction-range model, a person in this type of environment will score at the top of their potential IQ
An enriched environment
The type of intelligence that involves ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills to problem solving (practical intelligence)
Crystallized intelligence
This man found that specific mental abilities were highly related, forming a common core of intelligence, called g
Charles Spearman
This structure in the brain was studied by Joseph LeDoux for its quick processing and and immediate response to threats
The amygdala
This shape represents the pattern in which many characteristics are dispersed in the population (a visual representation of the normal distribution)
The Bell Curve
An estimate of the proportion of a trait variability determined by variation in genetic inheritance
A heritability ratio
These are two organic conditions that can cause mental retardation
Downs Syndrome Phenylketonuria (PKU)
During early research of hunger, this pair of scientists believed that hunger was caused by stomach contractions
Cannon & Washburn
1) This theory states that emotion and arousal occur simultaneously 2) This theory states that different patterns of arousal trigger our emotions
1) Cannon-Bard Theory 2) James-Lange Theory
1) This test is a measure of general mental ability 2) This test is a measure of specific types of mental abilities for the purpose of a specific focus 3)This test measures a person's mastery of various subjects
1) Intelligence test 2) Aptitude test 3) Achievement test
Explain why studies of identical twins provide the best information on genetic heritability and what they have shown about environment.
Identical twins have the exact same genetic make up, allowing for a clear picture of how environment alone affects characteristics. Environment and genetics play a large role in characteristics, such as IQ. While genetics accounts for a large part of intelligence, siblings (including adopted siblings) raised together are closer in intelligence than biological sibling raised apart.
The limbic system, which automatically initiates arousal using the autonomic and endocrine (hormone) systems, is made up of _____, ______, ______, and other adjacent structures.
Hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus