Finding the area of a rectangle whose length is 8 cm and breadth 9 cm.
72 square cm
What has many ears but cannot hear?
I can fill up a room without taking any space?
Picture 1
Find the area of a square of side 8 cm.
64 square cm
I’m the father of fruits. What am I?
A papa-ya
If 1 liter of water is enough to fill 6 glasses, determine how many glasses can be filled using 3 liters of water.
18 glasses
What room do ghosts avoid?
a living room
If you took two apples from a pile of three apples, how many apples would you have?
one apple that you took
What has a neck but no head and arms but no hands?
a shirt
Picture 2
Find the area of a square photo frame whose side is 7cm.
49 square cm
What do you call a cat who loves to swim?
David buys 2 L of milk for his family every day. How many liters does he need to buy to last them 2 days?
4 L of milk
Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?
A map
Why did the citrus tree go to the hospital?
What goes up but never comes back down?
Your age
I can rush, I can be hot, I can be cold, I can be hard, I can slip through anything. What am I?
Picture 3