Use of a vacuum device to remove blood, vomitus, and other secretions or foreign materials from the airway
Jaw-thrust maneuver
means of correcting blockage of the airway by moving the jaw forward without tilting the head or neck.
Used when trauma or injury is suspected to open the airway without causing further injury to the spinal cord in the neck
high-pitched sound generated from partially obstructed airflow in the upper airway.
Head-tilt, chin lifting manuever
correcting blockage of the airway by the tongue by tilting the head back and lifting the chin. Used when no injury is suspected
airway that is open and clear and will remain open and clear without interference to the passage of air in and out of the body
Patent Airway
The level of the vocal cords that defines the boundary between the upper and lower airways
Glottic opening
Flexible breathing tube inserted through the patient's nostril into the pharynx to help maintain an open airway
contraction of smooth muscle that lines the bronchial passages that results in a decreased internal diameter of the airway and increased resistance to airflow
curved device inserted through the patients mouth into the pharynx to help maintain an open airway
Gag Reflex
vomiting or retching that results when something is placed in the back of the pharynx
The passageway by which air enters and leave the body
The structure of the airway are the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lunges