The idealized perception of what this biblical figure represents how many Americans view judges
What is Solomon?
Despite ideals, whenever judges apply a statute or interpret a constitution, they make these among competing rules and groups
What are choices?
These two courts are described as "central components of the state's political system"
What are the Texas Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals?
One jurist claimed a judge's job is more this than law
What is politics?
A judge described as "romantic, emotional, unexamined" and almost what?
What is "undiscussable"?
This color of robe worn by judges helps create an impression of being "above" the political process
What is black
When a judge makes a decision, this always happens to the parties involved
What is somebody wins and somebody loses?
This characteristic of Texas judges makes the political nature of their work more obvious
What is that they are elected?
The hope is that judges act in this manner when ruling on cases
What is impartial/incorruptible?
"Politics isn't a _____ word in my mouth" - quote from a Texas jurist
What is "dirty"?
Judges are addressed by this formal title in the courtroom to reinforce their special status
What is "Your Honor"
Republican judges often interpret words to favor these interests, according to the passage
What are business interests?
Judge W.A. Morrison claimed he did this to the state's law with his personal philosophy
What is "engrafted" it?
Great jurists have developed these types of criteria to use in making decisions
What are neutral, impersonal criteria?
Justice Nathan Hecht called the majority's disregard for legislative intent an insult to what?
What is "legislators personally, the office they hold, and separation of powers"?
Judges write opinions in this type of specialized language that is beyond most citizens' understanding
What is legal language/legalese
Democratic judges, in good faith, often favor these parties in legal disputes
What are individuals suing businesses?
Judge John Dietz said his job involves doing this with wealth
What is redistributing it?
Even this passive action by a judge is considered a decision with consequences
What is deciding not to decide a case?
Justice Priscilla Owen accused the majority of doing this to justify its action
What is "manufacturing reasons"?
According to the text, Americans believe this action solves social problems, even when evidence suggests otherwise
What is enacting laws?
The passage argues that through interpretation, judges actually do this to laws and the constitution
What is make/create them?
Despite all being Republicans, the Texas Supreme Court split this way on a 2000 parental notification case
What is 6-3?
Justice Alberto Gonzales accused the dissenters of potentially committing this controversial judicial practice
What is judicial activism?
Justice Greg Abbott accused the majority of practicing "interpretive _____"
What is "hand-wringing"?