Understanding Cultural Concepts
Culture and Life Transitions
Scientific Knowledge Base
Nursing Knowledge Base
Nursing Process
_______ refers to a shared identity related to social and cultural heritage such as values, language, geographical space, and racial characteristics?
What is ethnicity
______ are described as significant social markers of changes in a persons life.
What is rites of passage
________ is the arousal of the sympathetic nervous system.
What is fight-or-flight response
List 3 examples of situational stress factors.
What is Job change, relocation, adjusting to chronic disease, financial issues, etc.
Name the five steps of the nursing process.
What is Assessment, Nursing diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
A six month old child from Guatemala was adopted by an American family in Indiana. The child's socialization into the American Midwestern culture is best described as: A- assimilation B-acculturation C-Biculturalism D-Enculturation
What is D-Enculturation
All cultures value this life transition because it promotes continuity of the family and community.
What is Pregnancy
What are the three stages of general adaptation syndrome?
What is alarm reaction, resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage.
which nursing theory model is based on the concepts of stress and the reaction to it?
Neumans Systems Model
Clustering data and well as the nurses knowledge and past experience create __________.
What is nursing diagnosis.
Which of the following is required in the delivery of culturally congruent care? A-Learning about vast cultures B-Motivation and commitment to caring C-Influencing treatment and care of patients D-Acquiring specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes
What is D- Acquiring specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes
Culture strongly influences pain expression and need for pain medication. However, cultural pain is: A-Not expressed verbally or physically. B-Expressed only to others from a similar culture. C-Usually more intense than physical pain. D-Suffered by a patient whose valued way of life is disregarded by practitioners.
What is D-Suffered by a patient whose valued way of life is disregarded by practitioners.
what are the three types of crises?
What is developmental, situational, and adventitious.
Stress Factors that vary with age and life stages are known as ______.
What is Maturational Factors
What non-pharmacological interventions would you use for health promotion to reduce stress?
What is regular exercise, support systems, time management, guided imagery and visualization, journal writing, assertiveness training, stress management in the workplace, etc.
______ is when one has a tendency to hold ones own way of life as superior to others.
What is ethnocentrism
What does it mean to have "fictive" family members?
What is nonblood kin
when doing and assessment of a young woman who was in a automobile accident 6 months before, the nurse learns that the woman has vivid images of the crash whenever she hears a loud, sudden noise. the nurse recognizes this as __________.
What is PTSD
give an example of Maladaptive Coping.
What is denial, alcohol or drug use, disengagement, mental avoidance.
During the assessment interview of an older woman experiencing a developmental crisis, the nurse asks which of the following questions? A-How is the flood affecting your life? B-Since you husband died, what have you been doing in the evening when you feel lonely? C-How is having diabetes affecting you life? D-I know this must be hard for you. Let me know what might help.
What is B- Since you husband dies, what have you been doing in the evening when you feel lonely?
When interviewing a Native American patient on admission to the hospital emergency department, which questions are appropriate for the nurse to ask? (select all that apply). A- do you use folk remedies? B-Do you have a family physician? C-Do you use a Shaman? D-Does you family have a history of alcohol abuse?
What is A, B, and C
During their clinical postconference meeting, several nursing students were discussing their patients with their instructor. One student from a middle-class family shared that her patient was homeless. This is an example of caring fro a patient from a different: A-Ethnicity B-Culture C-Heritage D-Religion
What is D-Culture
_______ regulates emotional distress and thus gives a person protection from anxiety and stress.
What is ego-defense mechanism
A patient who is having difficulty managing his diabetes mellitus responds to the news that his hemoglobin A1C has increased by saying " The hemoglobin A1C is wrong. My blood sugar levels have been excellent for the last 6 months." The patient is using the defense mechanism _______.
What is Denial
In what part of the nursing process should you develop a trusting nurse-patient relationship?
What is Assessment