Cognition& Concept Formations
Cognition&Problem Solving
What is concept formation and what are the two types?describe and give an example of each!
concepts are categories of things,events,qualities, that are linked together by a common feature or features in spite of their differences. 1. simple(disjunctive) concepts- 1 of 2 or both common features ex: different shaped triangles, but all triangles 2. complex(conjunctive) concepts- 2 or more common features ex: an aunt, both one of your parents sibling and a female
Once we learn and form concepts we can think and solve problems...what are three important aspects to solving problems?
1. formal reasoning(syllogism)- all humans are mortal, my teacher is human therefore he's mortal 2. Formulating the problem is required for effective problem solving, difficulties often arise when problem hasn't been clearly identified. 3. Elements of the problem, each element of the problem needs to be considered.
What is Language? Name and describe the three components of language.
Language is one of the most significant human achievements 1.Phoneme, is the basic unit of sound 2.Morpheme, is the basic unit of meaning 3. Syntax, is the rule of creating a sentence
What is cognitive abilities of an individual to learn from experience, to reason well and to cope with the demands of daily living?
The basics of Nature vs. Nurture?
Environment vs. Heredity Identical twins are more similar than fraternal regardless if they were raised separate or together. Adopted kids tend to be more similar to their biological parents. Neglected children tend to show slowed intellectual development. Enrichment programs have been linked with increase intelligence in young children.
What is cognition?
Intellectual process through which information is obtained transformed, stored, retained and otherwise used. also known as thinking
What is mental set? give an example
A habitual way of approaching or perceiving a problem. ex: Your car breaks down once bc of the muffler,than every other time it breaks down you automatically assume its the muffler.
How did Skinner think we learned language?What about Noam Chomsky?
Skinner believed we learned language by reinforcement and punishment. Chomsky believed language is too "generative", with so many ways to express an idea, it would be impossible to reinforce or punish someone to learn them all. Language Acquisition Device.
Who are Spearman, Cattel, and Gardner? and describe what they each did.
Spearman, intelligence can be explained by "g" (general) factor. A person with high "g" is good at everything. Cattel, said "g" has two components. Crystallized Intelligence and Fluid Intelligence. Gardner, believed in eight intelligence's 1.linguistic(verbal) 2.logical-mathematical 3.spatial(artistic) 4.musical 5.kinesthetic(athletic) 6.interpersonal(social studies) 7.Intrapersonal(personal adjustment) 8.Naturalistic(nature)
What is the Flynn Effect? What are some things that could be a part of this effect?
General intelligence has been increasing steadily over time. -improvement in nutrition and health -increase in level of education -increased complexity of environment -increased likelihood for genetic diversity
What does the thinking process involve?
concept formations,problem solving,language and intelligence
We are capable of generating more than one solution to a problem. What are the two methods of generating a solution and describe them.
1. Algorithm-Systematic, it is slow but guarantees a solution 2. Heuristics- "Rule of Thumb", fast but doesn't guarantee a solution.
What is the idea that the structure of a language may influence the way we think called? Who contrasted this theory?
Whorfian Hypothesis or Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis. Language determines our thinking, we cannot think about language. Eskimos have many different words for snow because they have greater visual perception to detect different types of snow. Eleanor Rosh, she visited New Guinea and discovered that they had only two words for color. Milli(cool/dark shades) and Malla(Warm/light colors). They could still sort various colored chips into their several categories.
What is a Deviation IQ? And how was IQ measured in the past?
Intelligence quotient based on the degree of deviation from average of the persons score on an intelligence test. mental age/chronological age x 100= ratio IQ
What did Lewis Terman experiment and discover?(1925)
he identified 500 gifted boys&girls living in California, overtime they were more successful than their non-gifted peers.
What are natural and artificial concepts? give an example of each.
natural concepts tend to be very fuzzy artificial concepts tend to be very well defined natural- a tomato is a fruit artificial- a tomato is a veggie so supreme ct. can tax it
What are the two types of Heuristics? Describe and give an example of each. What are the other factors... What is framing? What is emotion?
Representative- strategy of making judgements about the unknown based on the assumption that is similar to what we know. ex: Room of 300 lawyers and 3 accountants. I meet someone who is good at math. Did I meet a lawyer(99.0%) or an accountant(0.99%)? Availability makes judgements based on available information. ex: how dangerous is it to travel by air? Framing is influence based on how the question/statement is set up Emotions is the emotional state you are in when making decisions.
Do animals have limited vocabulary? Is their language fixed or flexible?
Yes. Fixed.
What is the primary use of intelligence tests? Name and describe the 5 characteristics of a good IQ test.
Predicting outcomes,providing services in school and determining level of difficulties. 1. Standardization- administer test exact same way for everyone. 2.Norms- standards used as the basis of comparison for scores on a test 3. Objectivity- lack of subjectivity in a test question so that the same score is given regardless of who does the scoring 4.Reliabilty- ability to produce similar results if the test is administered on different occasions or by different examiners 5. Validity- the extent to which a test measures what its supposed to measure.
What is cognitive impairment?
Formally known as mental retardation IQ of 70 or below approx. 2% of the US population
What are the three ways to learn concept formations? and describe each.
1.Generalization/Discrimination- associated features with a concept then generalize to expand the members and discriminate to discard the members that don't belong. 2. Hypothesis Testing- trial and error, looking for patterns 3. Learning Prototypes- Prototypes are typical members of a category, we compare objects to these to determine if it belongs in a category.
What are the two thinking styles?Describe. What are the 4 stages of creative thinking&Describe What are the characteristics of a creative thinker?
Convergent is logical and conventional and focuses on a problem. Divergent is loosely organized and only partially directed and unconventional. 1. Preparation- formulating the problem. 2. Incubation- Rest and do nothing. 3. Illumination- Eureka! Sudden emergence of a solution. 4. Verification- Testing a solution. -good knowledge base -work in the right atmosphere -use analogies -are persistent
Beatrix and Gardner(1971)? Patterson(1977)? Rumbaugh and colleges at GSU?
Washoe learned 250 american sign language signs. Koko learned 600 asl signs. Taught chimps to communicate with computer keys.
What are the two types of Validity?
Content Validity- is the content representative? Predictive Validity- Does this measure predict performances?
What are the categories of cognitive impairment?
mild, 50-70 moderate,35-49 severe,20-34 profound,under 20 Most people are in moderate range and can lead normal lives