Text utilized outside of natural context.
Knowledge obtained serves as background knowledge for later inquiries.
What is Positive Transparency?
What is a Dialogue Journal?
Text usually utilized to inform the reader .
What is Informative Text?
What is Dialogue?
The benefits of this practice increases the learner's fluency and organization of thoughts.
What are the benefits of dialogue journals?
What is facilitating writing skills for English Learners?
Simple YES or NO questions , simple one word responses required.
What are lower level ELL questions?
Altering assignments and activities in a manner that allows the facilitator to assess the individiual.
What is Relevant/Contextual?
EL learners develop and create written forms of text depending upon their level of comprehension and experience with written forms of both the mainstream and native language. This will require for classroom facilitators?
What is differentiated learning/instruction?
Creating classroom experience to later verbally retell while the teacher/facilitator scribes their input.
What is the Language Experience Approach?
Classroom facilitators creating learning experiences that build upon past knowledge.
What is Scaffolding?
Before focusing on a student's ability to write and recite in context. This skill is priority when expressing written language.
What is Comprehension?
Exploring words based on their structure and syntex.
What is a Word Study?