Yam or sweet potato?
Bad haircuts
Probably not a good idea
Potpourri stuff
Mandarin Chinese
This is a group that seeks to get candidates elected.
What is political party?
These were the first two "parties" in America.
What are the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?
This is the term given to voting for candidates of different parties on the same ballot.
What is split ticket voting?
This is the name of the law that requires that federal jobs be awarded on the basis of merit (and not a spoils system).
What is the Pendleton Act?
What is you were wrong?
This is a starchy edible root of the Dioscorea genus, and is generally imported to America from the Caribbean
What is a yam?
This is the Article and section of the U.S. Constitution that discusses the role of political parties.
What is this is a trick question, 'cuz there ain't no such section?
This is the name given to a ballot that lists all candidates for a given office under the name of that office.
What is an "office-bloc" ballot (or Massachusetts ballot)?
This is the name of the law that prohibits employees in the executive branch of the federal government from engaging in certain kinds of political activity.
What is the Hatch Act?
This is the term used to describe a delegate to the national convention who does not run and is not bound to vote a particular way.
What is a super-delegate?
This is a period when there is a major, long-lasting shift in the popular coalition supporting one or both of the parties.
What is a realignment?
This describes the realignment of parties during the 1820s-1860.
What is the Democrats rule?

This looks sort of like a jumpsuit that's been hacked off high up on the thigh.

What are male rompers?

This is likely to be the most important role that third parties will play in any given election.
What is providing new ideas that the major parties adopt?
This is the main difference between a political party and a political movement.
What is a party can nominate someone for office?
This is the name given to the party committee in Congress that provides funds to politicians.
What is the congressional campaign committee? (Both the Rs and Ds have one; these are VERY important!)
This haircut looks like you stuck your head in a bowl of spaghetti and glue.
This is one pro and one con of the 2-party system.
Pro: What are (a) it moderates and stabilizes politics, (b) clarifies issues, and (c) (theoretically) makes governing easier? Con: What are (a) it makes it hard for new voices to get elected and (b) it can result in partisan gridlock?
These are 4 types of minor parties.
What are (1) ideological, (2) single-issue, (3) economic protest, and (4) splinter?
What is the Partridge Family?
These are the three roles of parties we discussed in class.
What are -- select candidates -- inform and activate supporters -- participate in governing?
This describes the period that America (arguably) is in today.
What is a dealignment (as reflected by the fact that the Ds and Rs have split the Presidency 5 to 6 in the last elections and as reflected by the increase in independent voters)?
These are the 5 of the 7 reasons we discussed in class for why we have only two major parties.
What are -- tradition -- ideological consensus -- single-member districts -- our electoral college system -- closed primaries -- ballot access -- debate access?

This is one article of clothing from the 1970s that you should never wear.

What is "oh man, wear do I start?" (Other acceptable answers include bell shirts; platform shoes; plaid baggy pants; and leisure suits.)

These are two possible reasons why delegates to a national convention are likelier to be more politically extreme than the American population as a whole.
What are (1) party rules (particularly Democratic party rules) seek to have a diverse delegate group, and (2) people who run for delegate tend to be more committed to the cause?