Compare Fractions with the same Denominator
Compare Fractions with the same numerator
Compare and order fractions
Equivalent Fractions

A number that shows how much for the whole is shaded 

A. Numerator 

B. greater than 

C. Less than 

D. multiplication

A. Numerator


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =.

3/4 ____ 1/4 

3/4 > 1/4


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =.

2/8 ___ 2/3

2/8 < 2/3


Write the fractions from greatest to least

4/4, 1/4, 3/4 

4/4 , 3/4 , 1/4 


Find the equivalent fraction 

*remember you can find the equivalent fraction by thinking "what can I divide these two numbers by?"

2/4 is qualitative to 

2/4 = 1/2

Both 2 and 4 can be divided by 2. 


A symbol used to compress two numbers with the great number given first 

A. Numerator 

B. greater than

C. Less than

D. multiplication

B. greater than


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =.

1/6 ____ 1/6

1/6 = 1/6


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =.

3/6 ____ 3/4

3/6 < 3/4


Write the fractions from greatest to least

2/8 , 5/8 , 1/8

5/8 , 2/8 , 1/8 


Find the equivalent fraction 

*remember you can find the equivalent fraction by thinking "what can I divide these two numbers by?"

4/8 is equivalent to

4/8 is equivalent to 2/4 

you can divide both 4 and 8 by 2. 


Two or more fractions that name the same amount 

A. Equivalent fractions

B. greater than

C. Less than

D. Division

A. Equivalent fractions


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =. 

3/4 ____ 2/4

3/4 > 2/4 


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =.

1/2 ___ 1/6

1/2 > 1/6


Write the fractions from greatest to least 

1/3 , 1/6, 1/2 


1/2, 1/3, 1/6 


Find the equivalent fraction

*remember you can find the equivalent fraction by thinking "what can I divide these two numbers by?"

8/8 is equivalent to

8/8 is equivalent to 4/4 

you can divide 8 by 2 which gives you 4. 


a symbol used to compare two numbers with the lesser number given first 

A. Equivalent fractions

B. greater than

C. Less than

D. equal to

C. Less than


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =. 

4/6 ___ 6/6 

4/6 < 6/6


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =.

4/8 ____ 4/8

4/8 = 4/8 


Write the fractions from least to greatest

2/4 , 4/4 , 3/4 

2/4 , 3/4, 4/4 

Find the equivalent fraction

*remember you can find the equivalent fraction by thinking "what can I divide these two numbers by?"

12/6 is equivalent to

12/6 is equivalent to 6/3 

you can divide 12 and 6 by 2 and get 6 and 3. 


a symbol used to compare two numbers having the same amount or value 

A. Equivalent fractions

B. greater than

C. Less than

D. equal to

D. equal to


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =. 

12/8 _____ 9/8

12/8 > 9/8


Compare the fractions. is it < ,  > , or =. 

6/8 ___ 6/6 

6/8 < 6/6


Write the fractions from least to greatest 

4/6 , 5/6, 2/6

2/6, 4/6, 5/6 


Find the TWO equivalent fraction

*remember you can find the equivalent fraction by thinking "what can I divide these two numbers by?"

4/8 is equivalent to ____ and _____

4/8 is equivalent to 2/4 and 1/2 

You divide by two each time.