The Royal Family Line of Clovis
What is the Merovingian House?
The Code of Conduct with which Knights and Nobles Adhered
This is the shape of the social structure/hierarchy
What is a Triangle?
The Anglo-Saxon period began in...
449 AD
The Middles Ages were also called...
The Age of Faith
The Son of Pepin II, who defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Tours
Who is Charles Martel?
What is the Term for the Peasant Class Whose Status was Tied to a Manor
What is a Serf?
The HRE was founded by this person..
Who is Otto I?
This Battle happened in 1066
What is the Battle of Hastings?
Leo I was also referred to as...
The Greatest Carolingian King
Who is Charlemagne?
This term describes the social, economic, and military relationship between a lord and his vassals in medieval Europe
What is Feudalism?
The HRE was founded in...
When is 962 A.D.?
This was the first Capetian king
Hugh Capet
The Clergy were..
Leaders of the Church
Defeated the Lombards and Gave Their Lands to the Pope. (Had 2 Sons)
Who is Pepin the Short?
This noble pledged their loyalty(usually a King) to another noble in exchange for land
What is a Vassal?
During the Holy Roman Empire, kings and nobilities were considered as...
Servants to the Church
Normans are...
The regular church goers were..
Who are Laity?
The Brother of Charlemagne/Charles who Died Leaving Charles as the Sole Ruler
Who is Carloman?
The agricultural laborers who were bound to the land and worked for the lords in the feudal system
Who are the Knights, clergy, and peasants?
What was the agreement between Pope Gregory VII and Henry V so that Henry IV's excommunication would be revoked?
Concordant of Worms
This is the most important Saxon kingdom of Wessex
Who is Alfred the Great
The First Council of Nicea was in...
When is 325?