New Deal Programs
Dust Bowl & Misc.
Great Depression
Great Depression II
Someone who buys stock in a company.
What is an investor?
This program of the New Deal gave Americans confidence that the money they deposited would be safe because the program guaranteed their money up to $5,000.
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
This was one of the reasons farmers suffered during the Great Depression.
What is falling crop prices? or What is a surplus? or What is a drought?
People borrowed money to buy stocks and could not repay it.
What is one of the causes of the Great Depression?
This measures the number of workers without jobs.
What is unemployment?
A time in the economy when businesses close and people lose their jobs and money
What is a depression?
This program worked to bring electricity to areas that were hard for private electric companies to reach.
What is the Rural Electrification Administration?
Drought & overuse of farm land
What were the reasons for the Dust Bowl?
President of the United States when the Great Depression began
Who was Herbert Hoover?
Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas
Which states were in the Dust Bowl region?
the government does not spend more money than it collects in taxes
What is a balanced budget ?
This act set the minimum wage and the maximum number of hours a person could be made to work without receiving overtime.
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?
1920's & 1930's
When did the Dust Bowl occur?
This caused other countries to stop buying goods made in the United states.
What was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff?
October 29, 1929
When did the stock market crash? or What is Black Tuesday?
an idea for a law to be passed by Congress
What is a bill?
This act was designed to help farmers by paying them money not to grow certain crops. This act was later ruled unconstitutional.
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act?
This program hired people to build roads, repair & build bridges, and create parks. It also hired artists to record life during the Great Depression.
What is the Works Progress Administration?
President of the United States that introduced New Deal programs
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt?
People lost jobs, families became homeless, people built shantytowns, hunger became a problem
What were some of the affects of the Great Depression?
payment made to Americans once they reach retirement age
What is a pension?
This act promised workers the right to organize labor unions and allowed workers to choose union representatives to bargain with employers for better working conditions.
What is the National Industrial Recovery Act?
This program cleared the river & built hydroelectric dams that helped control flooding and produced electricity for this poor region.
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority?
This program hired single men between ages 17-23 to work on government lands and to take part in conservation activities.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?
This is the lowest amount a person can be paid per hour.
What is a minimum wage?