
Who brought the spinning works machinery to the United States? What nation did he bring the information from illegally? 

Samuel Slater and Britain


What election gave us our modern two party system? 

Election of 1828


Our national park service estimates that ______ number of Native Americans perished in the trail of tears. 

Over 10,000


What two states are added as part of the Missouri Compromise? 

Missouri and Maine. 


The Hills are Alive with the __________. 

Sound of Music

What created the middle class during the transportation revolution? 

Economic mobility as a result of poor farmers having more access to sell their crops through cheaper and quicker routes. 


He conspired with John Quincy Adams to help Adams secure his presidency. What was his name and the term for this scandal of a situation? 

Henry Clay and the corrupt bargain


What Indian nation experienced a gold rush on their land? What state was their land in? 

Cherokee and Georgia

What dividing line becomes law with the Missouri Compromise? What does it declare? 

Mason-Dixon Line. Slavery is legal in the south, but illegal in the north. 


This musical was recently remade to play in theaters. 



What labor source was used once women have phased out of the system? 



Did John Quincy Adams contribute more as a president or a secretary of state? Why? What was his biggest historical contribution?

Secretary of State. His presidency was extremely uneventful. The Monroe Doctrine. It would set a standard for foreign policy that would last long into the future. 


What were the five tribes affected by the Indian Removal Act of 1830? Where were the tribes being sent to? 

Cherokee, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek, Choctaw. Reservation space in Oklahoma


Explain the Monroe Doctrine. Both pieces. 

1. Americans declared to the rest of the world that the Western hemisphere was no longer available to any further colonization. "Stay out of our back yard!"

2. They would in turn stay out of European affairs. 


Gwen Stefani ripped off the most popular song from this original musical with her 2000's smash pop hit rich girl. 

Fiddler on the Roof


What are the two main differences that I cited between the Rhode Island System and the Waltham Lowell System? 

1. Waltham Lowell System moves towards actual mechanization. It looks like a traditional factory and has more focus on money. 

2. Waltham Lowell also introduces the idea of the independent working woman. 


What was the determining factor for Jackson's reelection? 

His decision to veto the Second National Bank. 


What was the supreme court case that was supposed to set precedent of the Cherokee tribe's sovereign rule of their land? Why was it unsuccessful in setting this precedent? 

Worcester v. Georgia. While the supreme court ruled in favor of the Cherokee, there was no way to uphold their decision. Thus, the government carried on with their removal act.


What political party is introduced when Jackson places members in his cabinet? Who was in the party initially? What concept does this introduce? 

Whig Party. Rich wealthy elite individuals that were angry after Jackson displaced them. This introduces the concept of presidents selecting their cabinets to be full of their supporters. Jackson claims harmony, yet many claim bias. 

Absolutely iconic from the year or the year before most of you were born. It aired on tv and became a staple for the childhood of my generation making a couple more sequels. 

High School Musical 


Whose administration started the production of the national road? Explain what the road set out to accomplish, its nickname, why it was controversial, and the reason it failed. 

Thomas Jefferson began production to continue to promote his westward expansion ideals for the ideal citizen. It set out to connect the East to the West coast. It was controversial due the disruption it was causing for the people in the regions it crossed. It failed once funding ran out in the 1830's. 


In the election of 1824, who had to assist in the election decision?

Inconclusive results made the house of representatives the final deciding factor. 


What document sealed the horrid fate for the Cherokee people? What were the circumstances with the treaty? 

Treaty of New Echota. A small group of Cherokee were coerced into the signing the document. The majority of the Cherokee did not agree and attempted to nullify the deal. However, the Americans already moved quickly to obtain their desire. 


What did I say would evolve with our two main political parties moving forward? 

They would begin to switch platforms. 


This depressing musical with fantastic musical scores has been remade four times. The most recent featured Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. 

A Star is Born