Hero of Tippecanoe who served the shortest presidency
Who was William Henry Harrison?
The first election where the popular vote was tallied
What was the election of 1824 "Corrupt Bargain"
Limited British naval power on the Great Lakes
What is the Rush-Bagot Treaty
A group of informal advisors who provided advice for Jackson in the White House kitchen
What was the Kitchen cabinet?
Henry Clay proposed to use money from where to pay for the American System
What is Protective Tariffs
He created the Whig party
Who was John Quincy Adams?
Clay hoped to steer the election in favor of Adams so he would be appointed Secretary of State a steppingstone to the presidency.
How did Henry Clay hope to benefit from the 1824 election?
East coast tribal groups were forced to move west as a result of the Indian Removal Act. What term is used to describe this journey?
What is the Trail of Tears?
Tippecanoe and _____________________too!
Who was John Tyler?
He created the democratic party
Who was Andrew Jackson?