cognitive processes
social constructivist approach
cooperative learning
ch 11
The tendency to falsely report, after the fact, that we accurately predicted an event.
What is hindsight bias
emphasizes the social contexts of learning and the idea that knowledge is mutually built and constructed
What is social constructivist approach
Teachers identify which children require help on specific skills and which children are most appropriate for helping other children learn those skills.
What is PALS peer assister learning
this approach involves a combination of independent learning and group work in two- to six-member groups), as well as a group reward for individual achievement. The teacher chooses a problem for the class to study, but students decide what they want to study in exploring the problem. The work is divided among the group’s members, who work individually.
What is group investigation
emphasizes that reading instruction should focus on phonics and basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.
What is phonics approach
Finding an appropriate way to attain a goal.
What is problem solving
occurs when students work in small groups to help each other learn. Cooperative learning has increasingly been used in recent years to improve student learning and skills
What is cooperative learning
Students work in reciprocal pairs, taking turns summarizing information and orally presenting it to each other
What is cooperative scripting
stresses that reading instruction should parallel children’s natural language learning. Reading materials should be whole and meaningful. Th at is, children should be given material in its complete form, such as stories and poems, so that they learn to understand language’s communicative function.
What is whole language approach
Strategies that guarantee a solution to a problem.
What is algorithms
as the technique of changing the level of support over the course of a teaching session; a more skilled person (teacher or moreadvanced peer of the child) adjusts the amount of guidance to fi t the student’s current performance. When
What is scaffolding
involves team recognition and group responsibility for learning in mixed-ability groups (Slavin, 1995). Rewards are given to teams whose members improve the most over their past performances
What is STAD
diversity in ability, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, and gender (Johns
What is heterogeneuous group
A learning arrangement in which students take turns leading a small-group discussion; can also involve teacher-scaffolded instruction.
What is reciporcal teaching
Strategies or rules of thumb that can suggest a solution to a problem but don’t ensure that it will work.
What is heuristics
a technique in which an expert stretches and supports a novice’s understanding and use of a culture’s skills
What is cognitive apprenticeship
involves having students from different cultural backgrounds cooperate by doing different parts of a project to reach a common goal.
What is the jigsaw classroom
maximizes opportunities for peer tutoring and support, improves cross-gender and cross-ethnic relations, and ensures that each group has at least one student who can do the work
What is heterogeneous grouping
Learning that emphasizes authentic problems like those that occur in daily life.
What is problem based learning
example of cognitive apprenticeship
What is tutoring
students work in four- or five-member heterogeneous groups on tasks with an emphasis on discussion and team building
What is learning together