Jefferson's Presidency
The Louisiana Purchase
Western Expansion
Causes of the War of 1812
The War of 1812
Jefferson's belief regarding the size and power of the government
What is Jefferson believed in laissez faire, little government involvement.
The western border of the U.S. territory in 1800
What is the Mississippi River?
The Native American guide of Lewis and Clark
Who is Sacagawea?
Three areas of the world that the U.S. traded with in the early 1800's
What is China, India, Africa, Countries on the Mediterranean Sea
the author of the Star Spangled Banner
Who is Francis Scott Keys?
The Judiciary Act of 1801
What is set up regional courts throughout the United States?
Two reasons the Mississippi river was important to settlers
What is shipping goods, defense, travel
The passage discovered and explored by Lewis and Clark
What is the Northwest Passage?
The pirates who demanded "tribute" for freedom of the seas
What are the Barbary Pirates?
The President that succeeded Jefferson
Who is James Madison?
Three Principles established by the case of Marbury vs. Madison
What is the Constitution is the supreme law, the Constitution must be followed when there is conflict, and the judicial branch must uphold the Constitution?
The careers of Lewis and Clark prior to the expedition
What are scientists?
Explored Colorado, the Rio Grande and Northern Mexico
Who is Zebulon Pike?
The country with which we were at war in 1801
What is Tripoli
The major effort of Tecumsah
What is to unite all Native American tribes against the U.S.?
The reason Jefferson banned trade with Britain
What is Britain did not respect America's neutrality on the seas?
the cost of purchasing the Louisiana Territory
What is 15 million dollars?
Two politicians involved in a dual over the Louisiana Purchase
Who are Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr?
The two countries at war that interfered with American trade
What are Britain and France?
Henry Clay and John Calhoun supported........
What is increases in military spending, going to war with Britain, U.S. nationalism?
To gain control of the Mississippi River, Jefferson offered....
What is ten million dollars for control of New Orleans and West Florida?
Three reasons the purchase of the Louisiana territory was a good move
What is control of Mississippi River, addition of cheap and productive land for farmers, doubled the size of the U.S.
A process that Massachusetts chose to use when citizens did not agree with federal decisions, specifically the Louisiana Purchase
What is secession?
The definition of impressment, tribute, embargo and neutral rights
What is impressment: kidnapping American sailors and forcing them to fight, tribute: money paid to a country for protection, embargo:prohibits trade with another country, neutral rights: a country not involved in a war may not be attacked at sea?
What the Treaty of Ghent did not do
What is change any borders, mention impressment, mark the end of the war?