Random q's

Should there be BBYO chapter group chats on Snapchat?



If a rap song, with explicit language, is featured on your chapter Instagram, what will happen?

You will be asked to take it down immediately and may lose the ability to run the Instagram account


Why do we have to be careful about what we put on Tik Tok and other social media platforms?

Because what you put out, will be there forever - even if you delete it


What happens if you make fun of/bully someone in the GroupMe?

Your messages will be deleted, you will get removed from the GroupMe, and will be having a conversation with Staff about apologizing 


What is the third planet from the sun?

The Earth


If you bully someone that's in BBYO, even though its not in a BBYO chat, what will happen?

You will be spoken to by BBYO Staff on the issue


What will happen if you post explicit photos on you story

You will lose all privileges 


What happens if you use a song with inappropriate words in the title, but none of those words play in the clip you are using?

You will be asked whether or not that was right to post and then asked to remove the video


What things should be sent in the chapter Group Me?

Program flyers/promotions, addresses for events, pricing for programs, information about programs, etc. 


The amount of fingers I have?



Is it still considered bullying on Snapchat if the chats/picture disappear 

Yes, because it can still affect the teen and screenshots can be taken of anything posted online  


Is it considered bullying if you post a good picture of someone without there consent?

It's not bullying, but you should make sure to have the consent of those posted beforehand 


A new dance is trending on Tik Tok, but the dance is really innapropriate. What happens if you post a video of you dancing to it on your chapter Tik Tok account?

You will be asked to take down the video because it doesn't represent BBYO principles and we don't want anyone joining to turn their heads away from BBYO because of it


Is it still bullying if you're making fun of staff?

Yes, even though they are staff they still have feelings 


Our staff

Abby, Lindsey, and Lauren 


Is this bullying - Making an embarrassing edit of someone or sending a bad picture of someone to a group chat, with the intent of getting a rise out of everyone else

Yes, this can make them feel embarrassed in front of the whole chapter and could lead to them wanting to leave the chapter or organization as a whole


Is it considered bullying if you post a funny or embarrassing photo of someone after getting their consent?



You post a video of someone of Tik Tok without their consent and when asked to delete it, you refuse. Is this considered bullying?

Yes, because you are explicitly doing something they asked you not to and this will affect the way they feel about you, the chapter, and BBYO as a whole


Is it bullying if a couple kids point out the flaws of another kid in the GroupMe?

Yes, because this can make that teen feel as though the whole chapter doesn't like them


Who is our real GAG?

Gavin Brown 


Is it still bullying if I make fun of someone outside of BBYO?

Yes, and while you won't get in trouble with BBYO staff, you are still hurting someone else's feelings and shouldn't bully or belittle them


What happens if another chapter Instagram account is made without staff/chapter Maz approval or knowledge?

You will be asked to take down the account


If you making fun of someone in BBYO in the comment section of a TikTok 

To make sure BBYO is represented in the best light and that all teens involved in the account are safe, staff will ask that the account be taken down and of they keep is up there will be consequence


If an event (ie. sleepover, dinner, etc.) that is not a registered BBYO event is promoted in the BBYO GroupMe, what will happen?

Since it is discussed in the registered BBYO GroupMe, it becomes a registered BBYO event (you can have events that are just you and your BBYO friends, but it can't be a BBYO program)


Best chapter
