The Disinhibition Effect and its Positive Impacts
The Dark Side of The Disinhibition Effect
Effective Communication
The Nature of Technology-Mediated Communication
Interpersonal Challenges of Technology

The tendency to express yourself more candidly and less guardedly when using asynchronous channels

What is the disinhibition effect? 


The exchange of nude or seminude photos, videos, and sexually suggestive language via text messaging

What is sexting?


Silencing your ringtone and vibration alerts

What is cell phone etiquette? 


The process of exchanging and assigning meaning to messages that are facilitated by technology channels and applications 

What is technology-mediated communication?


The act of making it seem like your time on your cell phone is more important than your time with a relational partner

What is phone snubbing? 


The release of negative emotions such as stress, fear, or guilt as a result of divulging personal struggles and secrets

What is catharsis? 


The act of cutting off all communication with no explanation

What is ghosting? 


Asking people if it is okay to take their picture, and upload photos of or tag them in posts

What is navigating social media? 


The Internet, telephone landlines, cellular networks, and devices such as personal computers, tablets, and cell phones

What pathways are technology channels?


The act of secretly exchanging sexual, romantic, or flirtatious messages online with someone who is not your current romantic partner

What is digital infidelity? 


A form of online communication in which self-disclosure becomes intimate and revealing more quickly than it would likely occur in F2F and V2V contexts

What is hyperpersonal communication? 


The practice of pretending to be someone you’re not online

What is catfishing? 


Freeing yourself to daydream, soak up nature, mediate, make plans for the future, reminisce, and think about relationships and what really matters 

What is a digital detox? 


Online dating and social networking, email, video-conferencing, and multiplayer gaming

What are ways technology applications are used?


Secretly keeping in contact with a person you would like to pursue romantically while already in a relationship 

What are back burners? 


The act of revealing personal information about yourself, can happen faster and be more intimate online than in person

What is self-disclosure? 


The hostile exchange of online messages, often in the form of insults

What is flaming? 


Working out problems, building rapport, celebrating accomplishments, and making decisions that affect groups

What is office etiquette and email use?


The pathways through which technological messages flow and the ways in which technology can be used

What are technology channels and applications? 


Refers to the amount of information you are able to transmit and how fast you can send and receive feedback

What is richness? 


Asking for or offering help and support less reluctantly online, seeking advice and emotional encouragement, coaching, counseling, or mentoring 

What is an example of the disinhibition effect? 


The dread, regret, or anxiety you feel after sending an online message

What is post-cyber-disclosure panic?


Not responding right away and waiting a day or two to cool off to gain composure and think rationally, considering a reply that is professional and the way in which this message will be perceived

How do you respond to provocative electronic messages? 


The idea that technology reshapes and reorganizes your interpersonal communication values, perceptions, and behaviors

What is the media ecology perspective? 


Leads people to believe that an alternative relationship has more to offer them than their current relationship does

What is the comparison level of alternatives?