Contemporary Perspectives
any action that other people can observe or measure
What is behavior
makes up the largest group of psychologists
What is Clinical Psychologist
a time when Europeans believed that problems such as agitation and confusion were signs of possession by demons
What is The Middle Ages
This perspective focuses on the evolution of behavior and mental processes (The most-adaptive organisms have the greater chance of surviving to maturity, when they can reproduce)
What is The Evolutionary Perspective
This person introduced the concept of reinforcement
Who is B.F. Skinner
Mental processes that may include dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories
What is cognitive activities
medical doctors that can prescribe medication if needed
What is psychiatrist
This theorist was concerned with discovering the basic elements of consciousness. He broke consciousness down into two categores (objective sensations and subjective feelings)
Who is Wilhelm Wundt
This perspective emphasizes the influence the nervous system. Psychologists related to this field are interested in the influences of hormones and genes on our behavior
What is The Biological Perspective
This school of thought is based on the idea that perceptions are more than the sums of their parts. Believe that learning is active and purposeful.
What is The Gestalt School
The give goals of psychology
What is observe, describe, explain, predict, and control
study the changes that occur throughout a person's life span
What is developmental psychologist
This person believed that experience is a continuous "stream of consciousness." Also concerned with how mental processes help organisms adapt to their environment
What Functionalism and William James
This perspective stresses the human capacity for self-fulfillment and the importance of consciousness. It also considers a person's personal experiences to be the most important aspect of psychology
What is The Humanistic Perspective
This person attempted to help people gain insight into their unconscious conflicts and find socially acceptable ways of expressing their wishes and meeting their needs.
Who is Sigmund Freud
A rule or law, such as the principle that you will probably get better grades if you study more
What is principle
look for many of the different traits people have, and they may study the development of these traits
What is personality psychologist
This theorist believed that if psychology was to be a natural science, it had to be limited to observable, measurable events
What is Behaviorism (John B. Watson)
Psychologists who take this perspective believe that behavior is learned wither from direct experience or by observing other people.
What is The Learning Perspective
These types of psychologists work within the criminal justice system and may explain how certain kinds of psychological problems or disorders give rise to criminal behavior.
What is a forensic psychologist
a statement that attempts to expalin why things are the yway they are and happen the way they do
What is theory
concerned with helping students learn, and focus on instructional methods for an entire school system
What is educational psychologist
this theory assumed that most of what exists in an individual's mind is uncounscious and consists of conflicting impulses, urges, and wishes.
What is psychodynamic thinking
This perspective focuses on the influences of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status on behavior and mental processes.
What is Sociocultural Perspective
This type of psychologist may use interviews to test their client's problems. They may help people who have adjustment problems, conflicts with family members, etc.
What is a counseling psychologist