Cash Poor or Cash Rich
Transaction Costs
Revenue Models
Big Blue
Model vs. Process
Stock brokerage firms use a(n) ____ revenue model, which allow them to charge their customers a commission for each trade executed.
a. fee-for-service b. fee-for-transaction c. information sales d. catalog
The four Ps of marketing include ____.
a. product, principle, place, and price b. product, principle, promotion, and price c. place, promotion, product, and price d. principle, place, price, and promotion
Some Web pages have banner ads that continue to load and reload as long as the page is open in the visitor’s Web browser. Each time the banner ad loads is a(n) ____.
a. view b. count c. impression d. click
The classic objective of ____ has always been to provide the right goods in the right quantities in the right place at the right time.
a. procurement b. logistics c. transaction processing d. production
In 1979, ANSI chartered a new committee to develop uniform EDI standards. This committee is called the ____.
a. ASC X12 b. ACM X15 c. IEEE 2321 d. ASE A23
The U.S. government deregulated the securities trading business in the early ____.
a. 1960s b. 1970s c. 1980s d. 1990s
One company using a product-based marketing strategy is ____.
a. Staples b. AltaVista c. MasterCard d.
Technology-enabled relationship management is often called ____.
a. relationship management b. customer relationship management c. automated relationship management d. domain name management
____ is the intentional collection, classification, and dissemination of information about a company, its products, and its processes.
a. Database management b. Knowledge management c. Data warehousing d. Data mining
To use the services of a VAN, a company must install ____ software that is compatible with the VAN.
a. network compiler b. LAN interpreter c. EDI translator d. VAN router
Channel conflict is also referred to as ____.
a. Web conflict b. account aggregation c. cannibalization d. addressable media
Customers who return to the site one or more times after making their first purchases are called ____.
a. sponsors b. retained customers c. shoppers d. crawlers
The information that a Web site can gather about its visitors is called a(n) ____.
a. clickstream b. ad view c. marketing mix d. occasion segmentation
One trend in purchasing, logistics, and support activities is the shift away from hierarchical structures toward ____ structures.
a. vertical b. horizontal c. network d. matrix
EDI on the Internet is also called ____.
a. open EDI b. closed EDI c. online EDI d. digital EDI
Most businesses are familiar with two general ways of identifying and reaching customers: personal contact and mass media. These two approaches are often called ____.
a. communication modes b. market strategies c. marketing segments d. media destination modes
____ ads generate graphical activity that "floats" over the Web page instead of opening in a separate window.
a. Interstitial b. Active c. Pop-up d. Float
One of the key elements of a brand is ____.
a. marketspace b. style c. perceived value d. micromarketing
The roots of Web technology for B2B transactions lie in a very hierarchically structured approach to interfirm information transfer called ____.
a. client/server b. TCP/IP c. Object technology d. electronic data interchange
The long-term relationships that are created among participants in the supply chain are called ____.
a. quality partners b. JIT alliances c. supply alliances d. joint suppliers
The four Ps of marketing include ____.
a. product, principle, place, and price b. product, principle, promotion, and price c. place, promotion, product, and price d. principle, place, price, and promotion
The first time that a particular visitor loads a Web site page is called a(n) ____.
a. trial visit b. fresh visit c. repeat visit d. page visit
____ is the first condition that must be met to create a product or service brand.
a. Product differentiation b. Perceived value c. Relevance d. Permission marketing
With respect to EDIs, the two businesses that exchange information are called ____.
a. interaction monitors b. hand-shakers c. trading partners d. collaborators
A(n) ____ is a marketplace that provides auctions, request for quote postings, and other features to companies that want to operate their own marketplaces.
a. private store b. customer portals marketplace c. private exchange d. private company marketplace