"DUST Dust Baby"
"Old McDonald Had A FARMER"
"CITY LIFE Lights"
"Loving the FAMILY LIFE"
Vivacious Vocabulary
The dust storms of the Great Depression helped bring thousands of these types of workers and people to financial ruin?
What is farmers
These farmers did not own the land they farmed on?
What is Tenant Farmers
People moved into 4 bedroom apartments, fifteen people strong and normally with these extended family members, to help alleviate their financial pressures?
What is relatives
Men lost their sense of pride and self respect with no work during the depression. However, women gained respect in the home starting home services such as these to bring in some income for their families?
What is sewing clothes, drying and canning food, taking in laundry, selling baked goods, or renting out rooms to borders.
Share in business ownership whose price and value constantly fluctuate
What is Stock
During what years did dust storms plague the great plains of America?
What is 1932-1939
These former land-owning farmers left their lands and farming plots, and drifted anywhere they thought they may find a job?
What is Okies
Despite promises to president Hoover to keep production, wages, and work up at factories, factory owners fired these kind of factory workers first after a year or two of economic decline?
What is African Americans or Other Ethnic Minorities
Men who went out in search of work and were unsuccessful, where to ashamed to return home, they deserted their families and lived to together in these along the side of railroad tracks?
What is Hobo Camps
A way of gambling with short-term investments?
What is Speculation
During what years did the dust storms of the Great Depression plague the Great Plain states?
What is 1932 to 1939
Unemployed tenant and Okie farmers where treated in this inhospitable manner by local town residents during their arrival in western cities like California?
What is as dirty and ignorant outsiders who where unemployed
During the toughest times some people sold this delicious fruit for a small profit, while others resorted to this, a more humiliating way of earning a living?
What is Apples and Panhandling or Begging
The silver lining for families in the Depression was now they had much time to do this with each other?
What is Grow Closer and Spend More Time Together
Involved paying only a fraction of a stock's dollar value?
What is Margin
Dust storms crippled farmers financially by killing and burying what?
What is their livestock and crops
Most tenant farmers on the road and homeless tended to be this dis-enfranchised race? While most Okies on the road and homeless tended to be former land owners and of this privileged race?
What is African American and White
By 1932 at least 2 million people where homeless looking for jobs, they constructed temporary or not so temporary shelters called this to survive?
What is Hoovervilles
Children created their own games to lighten the horrible experience of families having to always to this long, dreadful, and unfamiliar process?
What is Moving Homes
A period of severly reduced economic activity?
What is a Depression
These states of the western Great Plains where hit especially hard during the dust storms of the Great Depression?
What is Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, eastern Colorado, New Mexico, and the Texas Panhandle
In many western states, 12,000 of these people where rounded up, labeled illegal aliens, and forced to return to their home country because of the hard times the Depression created for all?
What is Mexicans
During these hard times people often relied on aid and charity from these people that they are normally used to seeing every day prior to the Depression?
What is random neighbors, neighbors, and friends
These where some of the only people that got richer, where unaffected, or lost little during the depression?
What is Oil Owners, Company Purchasers, The Rich and Wealthy
Return to a former homeland
What is Repatriation