The Basics
English Only
First Language Support
School Models
ELL Programs
L1 and L2
What is the shorthand for first and second languages?
He discussed three misconceptions commonly held by educators of ELL students
Who is James Cummins
To receive comprehensible input in messages that we understand through other languages.
What is language acquisition
Long term, instruction through L1, Instruction through L2, sociocultural support, interactive/cognitively challenging, and integration with the mainstream.
What are the characteristics of effective programs for English Language Learners?
English language learners are taught with mainstream students and given no special services
What is English Immersion
The English language, which over 80% of the internet is stored in along with over 80 million students studying it.
What is the dominant global language?
Instruction should be carried out exclusively in the target language, translation between L1 and L2 has no place in teaching of language or literacy, and in bilingual programs the two languages should be kept separate.
What are three misconceptions seen by Cummins held by ELL educators?
This helps emergent bilinguals to develop identities of competence
What is accessing both known languages
Students should be given an extende period of support, six or more years.
What is the suggested length of time for ELL education?
English language learners are taught only in English and teachers are trained to make the input comprehensible.
What is Structured English Immersion?
Linguistic Capital
What is power that native language speakers have over non-native speakers?
Research shows that judicious use of the first language promotes second language acquisition
What is the reality behind James Cummins first misconception of ELL education
A strategy that draws on students' first languages while still using the second language.
What is Preview, view, review?
Students who received strong cognitive and academic development through their L1 score higher on tests in English through the high school level.
How does learning with a students first language help their education?
English language learners are given ESL support. They are taught basic vocabulary and language structure and then integrated into all English instruction.
What is ESL pullout traditional instruction
The linguistic capital that speakers of dominant languages possess
What kind of power do people who speak minority languages lack?
Emergent bilinguals are often asked to translate outside the school. Teachers can draw on this skill in school.
What is the reality behind James Cummins second misconception of ELL education
Preview, view, review can also motivate students to stay engaged in the lesson
What is a positive about preview, view, review?
More dropouts came from students who had been given this type of teaching instruction.
What is English-Only instruction
English language learners are given 2-3 years ESL content support services and then integrated into all English instruction
What is ESL Push-in Content Instruction?
When the use of a word is widespread through multiple languages
What is a borrowed word
There are times to keep the two languages separate, nut there are also times to bring them together for instructional purposes
What is the reality behind James Cummins third misconception of ELL education
the teacher teaches the lesson or directs the activity in the student's second language using strategies for making the input comprehensible
What is the view step in preview, view, review.
English-only instruction programs only focus on developing the students second language
What is a negative to English-only instruction
Native English speakers are taught language through content instruction in a second language. English is introduced in second grade or later
What is Enriched Immersion