Earth in Space
Gravity and Motion
The Earth spinning on its axis is called this, and takes 24 hours to complete one full cycle (this causes day and night)
What is rotation?
This law states that every object in the universe attracts each other
What is Law of Universal Gravitation?
This star reflecting on the moon causes the moon to shine
What is the sun?
This happens when the moon's shadow hits Earth, or Earth's shadow hits the moon
What is an eclipse?
Differences in the moon's gravity pulling towards Earth causes this
What are tides?
Seasons are caused by this as Earth rotates around the sun
What is Earth's tilted axis?
Fill in the blank: ______ is the tendency of an object to resist change in its motion.
What is inertia?
Fill in the blank: The phase of the moon you see depends on how much of the _______ side of the moon faces Earth.
What is sunlit?
Fill in the blank: The two types of eclipses are ______ eclipses and _______ eclipses
What is solar and lunar?
The low tides are sections B and D. Therefore, the high tides are these two sections
What is section A and C?
The Earth does this around the sun, and takes about one year to complete one whole cycle
What is revolution?
The strength of gravity is affected by these two factors
What is mass and distance?
This word means less than whole, but more that half
What is gibbous?
When the moon passes directly between Earth and the sun, blocking sunlight from Earth, this type of eclipse happens
What is a solar eclipse?
This happens during the moon's first-quarter and third-quarter phases, when the line between Earth and the sun is at right angles to the moon's pull. This causes a ______ tide
What is a neap tide?
The two days of the year when the sun reaches its greatest distance north or south from the equator (signifies start of Summer and Winter)
What is the Summer and Winter Solstice?
This person discovered the two factors that combine to keep Earth in orbit of the sun, and the moon in orbit of the Earth
Who is Isaac Newton?
These phases are at the start of the moon's phases, with the shape of croissant.
What is waxing and waning crescent?
During this type of solar eclipse, it is not safe to look directly at is, for a large part of the sun is still visible.
What is a partial solar eclipse?
This happens when the sun, moon, and Earth are nearly in a line during a new moon, causing the gravity of the sun and the moon to pull in the same direction. The combined forces cause the greatest difference between high tide and low tide, otherwise called a _______ tide
What is a spring tide?
The two days of the year when neither hemisphere is tilted towards the sun (signifies start of Spring and Autumn)
What is the Spring and Autumnal Equinox?
Fill in the blank: ______ and _______ keep the Earth in orbit of the sun, and the moon in orbit of the Earth
What is inertia and gravity?
The moon rotates once on its axis in the same amount of time as it revolves around Earth. For this reason, these two periods of time are the same length on the moon.
What is a day and a year?
The moon is blocked from the sun by Earth, causing this type of eclipse
What is a lunar eclipse?
Tides are the rise and fall of ocean water that occurs in this time period, every _____ hours
What is 12.5 hours?