Events of Note
People Who Were All That

What was the government type that said the leader had complete authority over everyone else, and his chief responsibility was to always be working for the good for the people (yeah, right!)?



What were the "Hundred Days?"

When Napoleon escaped his captivity on the island of Elba and returned to Paris to lead his forces once again in battle. He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by a combined force and sent to the island of St. Helena.


Identify the leader who built Versailles Palace to have his nobles near him (they hated that!) and was called the "Sun King," because there was "none other like him".

Louis XIV


The early-modern military revolution (i.e. the evolution of gunpowder warfare happened during what time period?  

During and after the Renaissance period


List at least THREE of the "Great Powers" - the most powerful European nations in the 18th century.

France (most powerful), England, Austria, Russia


An economic system in which the exchange of
commodities (EX: pork, computers, oil ... ) for profit generated wealth to be reinvested in the name of still greater profits. 

Capitalism; America's system!


This war helped put France deeply in debt because of its support of another nation ... France would try to build a democratic government based on the nation for which France gave aid just 6 years later.

American War of Independence


This person, a friend of Napoleon Bonaparte, was of the Jacobin political party (like Napoleon). He was the head of the "Committee of Public Safety" - until his head was lopped off by the guillotine!

Maximilien Robespierre


By 1800, roughly 35% of the globe was directly or indirectly controlled by European powers. What were some of the reasons they were able to do this?

Through military technology and organization, as well as taking advantage of political problems in the countries they invaded (such as the British in India).


This nation took the lead in exploration and conquest in the 15th century. Christopher Columbus (an ITALIAN) sailed for the king and queen of the nation.



An economic system where a royal government (king and/or queen) controlled colonies overseas to the benefit of the of the royals was known as:

Hint: The American colonies produced trees, cotton, and so on for England....



Where were MOST African slaves sent to and how long was their average lifespan there?

Hint: Not North America!

The Caribbean and/or Brazil. Due to the harsh work on the sugar cane plantations, as well as disease and injury, most enslaved people lasted about 7 years. 


This person (of the "Scientific Revolution" period) was a scientist, but he was also an alchemist, devoting considerable time and effort to trying to figure out how to “transmute” base metals like lead into gold. He also figured out why things fall down instead of going up...

Isaac Newton


What languages (give at least TWO) were on the Rosetta Stone and what was its importance?

1) Greek

2) Demotic - an early Egyptian language

3) Hieroglyphics

*The texts helped decipher the language written on Egyptian temples, obelisks, tombs, etc 


Which nation did Napoleon invade, trying to weaken England's trade, where his soldiers found an ancient relic?



Thinkers who embraced the idea that scientific progress was limitless, that all citizens should be equal before the law, and claimed that the best forms of government were those with rational laws oriented to serve the public interest were part of a movement called the -



Who were the people - what were they called - that intentionally destroyed machinery and tools in a vain attempt to go back to the old ways of work versus the Industrial Revolution ways?



This person (also of the Scientific Revolution) broke with the Renaissance obsession with
ancient scholarship by arguing that ancient knowledge of the natural world was all but worthless
and that scholars in the present should instead reconstruct their knowledge of the world based
on empirical observation. Developed the "scientific method".....

Francis Bacon (yum)


How did Napoleon respond to a rebellious group of royalists who supported Louis XIV?

Fired grape shot at them (cannon fire with small lead balls)


Which nation had numerous civil wars among itself, largely between Catholics and Protestants, culminating in an event known as the "Glorious Revolution?"



How many types of governments did France experiment with during the French Revolution?

Hint: 1, 2, 3, or 4 are the options!

Four types of governments


Identify the French prison that peasants attacked during the French Revolution to take weapons and set prisoners free. Today, this event is called the French Independence Day.

Bastille (Day)


Known for disagreeing with the Catholic Church and nailing his "95 thesis" on the church door at Wittenberg, Germany, he accidentally began the PROTESTant Reformation, dividing Catholics and other Christian groups over differing beliefs.

Martin Luther


Name at least one item traded for each "leg" of the Triangular Trade.

To Europe: Cotton, tobacco and sugar 

To Africa: Textiles, rum, guns

To the Americas: Slaves


During the French Revolution, at least two nations were standing by, hoping to benefit from France's troubles. One was Prussia and the other German-speaking nation was -

Hint: Not Germany
