Does sweat, urine, or feces contain BBP?
No - Unless blood is visibly present
What is a tort?
Civil wrong that occur's to a persons body or property, caused by another person.
What is the most appropriate PPE to utilize when dealing with Blood?
Name the injury on Slide 2 : Picture 1
1 to 6 years (excluding minors) in which a person can file a negligence claim is called what?
Statute of Limitations
Signs and symptoms
Night sweats
Joint pain
Weight loss
Small infections
What defines: The manner in which a defendant acted compared to other defendants with similar qualifications.
Standard of Care
Does exposure to blood always mean transmission will occur?
No - transmission does not necessarily occur
What type of wound is this? (Slide 3 : Picture 2)
Closed Wound - Contusion (bruise) - Ecchymosis (Coloration)
Which BBP can exist in dried blood for up for 1 week and still cause infection?
HBV - Hepatitis B Virus
What is the name of the wound? (Slide 6 : Picture 5)
What is Comparable Fault (AKA Comparable Negligence)?
Compensation for the plaintiff will be a percentage of the demanded award, which is usually derived from the defendants percentage of fault from the total demanded compensation.
Which BBPs do not have a vaccine?
What organ is primarily affected by HIV, HCV, & HBV?
A laceration greater than what should be referred out for likely stitches?
1 Inch
What is the injury? (Slide 7 : Picture 6)
What are Good Samaritan Laws?
Differ among States.
Provide protection for someone providing first-aid or emergency care.
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What types of bleeds are pictured? (Refer to Slide 4 : Picture 3)
1 - Arterial Bleed
2 - Venous Bleed
3 - Capillary Bleed
What are the four components of negligence?
(1) duty exists
(2) failure to perform duty
(3) failure to perform duty caused injury or illness
(4) actual injury or illness occurred to the athlete as a result
The (Slide 8 : Picture 7) shows an ace-wrap being applied to an arm.... What are 4 of the 6 things to do or check when applying?
•Proper wrapping techniques.
•Distal to proximal application.
•Overlap by half width.
•No holes or windows.
•Equal tension.
•Secure wrap.
•Check circulation at distal extremity.
What are defenses one can take against negligence? (Provide at least 5 (12 listed))
Emergency Action Plan (EAPs)
Consent Forms
Warn of Activities Inherent Dangers
Provide Proper Training/Instruction
Proper Equipment
Hire Qualified Employees
Obtain Professional Certifications
Continuing Education
Purchase Professional Liability and Malpractice Insurance
As OSHA designates specific procedures to prevent bloodborne pathogens exposure in the workplace as well as defines what to do if exposure occurs... What are the Universal Precautions (name 4)
When providing care to patient -
Use PPE - Gloves
First Aid Kit
Dispose of bloody materials properly
Once finished with first aid care -
properly remove gloves & wash hands with soap & water
Clean all surfaces exposed to blood 90/10.
Breathing Barriers in CPR
Follow-up testing & care by employer
What is the name of this? (Slide 5 : Picture 4)
What do you do?
Signs and Symptoms?
Refer your patient to a doctor.
•Signs and symptoms include:
•Pus discharge
•General body fatigue
What are the 6 Classifications of a wound?
Abrasion, Incision, Punctures, Laceration, Avulsion, & Amputation