Influential Individuals
Important Events
Treaties and Compromises
Failures (womp womp)
Necessary Vocab

After escaping to their own freedom, this Abolitionist will continue to work with the Underground railroad and later Union army to help free slaves. 

Who is: Harriet Tubman


Preston Brooks attacks Massachussets Senator after a speech

What is: The Caning of Charles Sumner


This land sale with France in 1803 will help increase America's land across the middle of the continent.

What is the Louisiana Purchase


Let the people vote! This idea of self-government was championed by Stephen Douglas as a way to handle the slavery issue

What is: Popular Sovereignty

The ideology American's mush push west in order to help establishment and prevent any foreign intervention in the continent. 

What is: Manifest Destiny


"The Great Compromiser" was influential in getting the Missouri Compromise and Comp. of 1850: Whig

Who is Henry Clay


During this act of resistance against the F.S.A., anti-slavery protestors will help free a fugitive slave in Syracuse, N.Y.

What is: The Jerry Rescue


New Mexico and Utah territory created, Popular Sovereignty implemented...stricter F.S.A enacted.

What is Comp. of 1850


This Political Party will "die out" following the implementation of the Kansas Nebraska Act

What is: The Whig Party


This term was given to the economic and often times political advantage the South had with Slavery

What is: Slave Power


Tried to push "Popular Sovereignty", instrumental in both the Comp. of 1850 and K-N-A. 

Who is Stephen Douglas


A series of political matchups in for the Illinois Senate race:

What is: the Lincoln/Douglas debates.


This would officially end the Mexican American War and cede much of the current SW to the United States.

What is: the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


I tried to prevent slavery in any territory gained from Mexico. Written by a congressman before the end of the Mexican American War

What is: the Wilmot Proviso 


African Americans could not be citizens, sue in court, and now slavery could be brought ANYWHERE...what Vocab word best describes the description?

What is: The Dred Scott Decision


Creator of "The Liberator", one of the most influential Abolitionists of their time, would even burn the Constitution as example of frustration. 

Who is William Lloyd Garrison.


John Brown will attempt to take over a federal armory and arm a slave revolt in VA. 

What is: The Harpers Ferry Raid.


Maine free, Missouri Slave...will "handle" the slavery situation in the Midwest for over 30 years. 

What is: The Missouri Compromise


Allowing Popular Sovereignty has a negative impact in new territories causing what "tragic prelude"?

What is "Bleeding Kansas"


States, Territories leaving from an organized union:

What is: Secession


This President was a southern Expansionist and helped instigate the Mexican American War

Who is President Polk

Who is, James Polk


Texas revolutionaries will hold their ground at this Spanish Mission to give other rebels a chance to organize and fight the Mexican Army.

What is: The Battle of the Alamo


Adds 6 month punishment for anyone aiding and abetting fugitive slaves, also allowed a Slave-owners claim to be sufficient evidence.

What is the F.S.A (1850)


John Brown attempts to arm a slave revolt by capturing a Federal Armory in the slave state of VA- later captured, convicted, and executed: 

What is: The Harpers Ferry Raid


This Line created by land-surveyors, would essentially split Free and Slave STATES. Would extend as states entered the Union:

What is: The Mason-Dixon Line.