Lenders and Borrowers
Subcategories of Finance
Forms of Businesses
Role Players
The investors and owners of a corporation?
Who are the shareholders?
The subarea of finance concerned with making project decisions, minimizing taxes and the type of capital to be raised.
What is Financial Management?
The form of business that is relatively easy to form, has less regulation and is taxed only one time.
What is a sole proprietorship?
The goal of the firm and firm management.
What is stock price maximization?

The job title for the head of the financial aspects of a firm.

Who is the Chief Financial Officer?

The portion of a company's profits that are kept by the company rather than distributed to the stockholders as cash dividends.
What are retained earnings?
The subarea of finance looks at what kinds of securities to owns, which securities to buy, and how investors will be paid back.
What is Investments?

S-Corporation, LLC, and LLP are all examples of this type of organization.

What is a hybrid?


Non-wage compensation for management to attract the best person(s) and keep them motivated.

What are perks or perquisites?


The people who double check the accounting and report of a firm.

Who are auditors?

The money that is paid back to shareholders is referred to as this.
What are dividends?
The subarea of finance that facilitates the capital flows between investors and companies.
What is Financial Institutions and Markets?
A sole propietor must do this for an angel investor or venture capitalist to exchange capital for ownership in a business that is a sole proprietorship.
What is the business becomes a partnership or corporation?
The issue of management working for what is best for shareholders versus what is best for themselves.
What is the agency problem?

The group that follows a firm and provides advice on whether others should buy or sell the company stock?

Who are financial analysts?

The type of firm that helps corporations sell stocks and bonds to raise money.
What is an investment bank?
The subarea of finance that is important for adapting to the global economy.
What is international finance?
This type of business organization is entirely legally independent from its owners.
What is a corporation?
This is the set of laws, policies, incentives, and monitors designed to handle the issues arising from the separation of ownership and control.
What is corporate governance?
These individuals help firms access capital markets and advise managers about how to interact with those capital markets.
Who are investment bankers?
What is the word used to describe money that is earned by the company but does not go back to shareholders.
The subarea of finance that looks at a firm's decisions in acquiring and utlizing cash from investors or from retained earnings.
What is Treasury Management?
The total number of shareholders allowed in a S-Corporation.
What is 100?
This group is elected by stockholders to oversee management in a corporation.
Who are the Board of Directors?
Individuals who provide small amounts of capital and expert business advice to small firms in exchange for an ownership stake in the firm.
What is an angel investor?